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Basic Everglades Info

Adult Alligators!

Here in Shark Valley, we have lots of alligators!


**Most of these photos are taken with an Olympus Digital camera and are of good quality, however, some are photos taken with a 35 mm camera, then scanned, therefore, they may not be as fine quality as the others.

These scanned photos are marked with **.

Smiling Gators!

**Gator face #1 **Gator face #2

**Gator face #3 (Link Needs fixing)


More Smiling Gators!
Gator face #4 Gator face #5

**Gator face #6


Basking Gators!
Basking #1 Basking #2

**Basking  #3


Water Gators!

**Water-face  #1 Water-face #2 Water-face #3


Action Gators!

Gator Lunch Gator Swimming

**Gator Yawn


Whole Gators!
Sunning (Link Needs fixing) Dry Season Mud Bath

Porch Walk


Groups of Gators!
Group #1 Group #2 Group #3


"Notch", a 12' Gator!

*To avoid personalization of wild animals, the park does not name it's wildlife, however, we can't help but to nickname this large male alligator, Notch.

Notch #1 Notch #2

Notch  #3


Funny Photos of Gators!
Flying Fish!

This Gator tossed its fish just as the photo was taken, freezing the fish in mid air!

Silly Female! #1

This female must have thought sitting on top of ol' Notch's back was a perfect place to be!

Silly Female! #2

This is a very unusual thing to see. Most other gators keep a far, respectful distance from huge bull gators like Notch. This must be his favorite lady friend!








Courting Gators


Baby Gators


Shark Valley


Thank you for your visit. Please come again.

*© All photography on this sites pages is by Dimagi unless otherwise stated.

If you wish to use any photos for non-profit personal use, and/or for your local school,

 you are welcome to do so.

If you wish to use some photos on a larger scale for non-profit education,

Please notify me, and most likely it will be approved at no charge, so long as proper credit is given.

If you intend to use some photos on a web page, please insure proper credit is given.

(Links back to Shark Valley's Home page would be highly appreciated.)

If you wish to use any photos in a profitable manner, you must contact me first!

Thank you for your cooperation, I hope you enjoy.

*On this page, no animated gif belongs to Dimagi, except the butterfly, and are believed to be public domain and are free to use.

  However, the bird on the branch bar, gator head icon, butterfly gif and Everglades Park Banner do belong to Dimagi, and do apply to © rules above .*




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Thank you for your visit, I hope you enjoyed!