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Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:31 PM
Subject: Response to Rev. Schulte

Rev. Schulte,

Good afternoon. I’ve responded to everyone that’s posted comments on the website. As with the others, I’ll give you the courtesy of a direct response. You appear to be a reasonable person & I respect your opinions just as I have the others. My comments to your message are inside your response However, mine are in blue.

Kay, Would you please ensure my complete & unedited comments are placed on the website?  No one else I’ve responded to has felt the need to make sure the rest of the public can see the other side of the story.  I feel everyone should be able to read the letters & draw their own conclusions.

Thank you
Jeff Price

In response to this man's statement. There is no evidence log in abuse cases.  A human Rights investigation is one of, if not the hardest, to conduct. Many times it boils down to he said she said. The investigator must be able to look over the entire picture from a distance. One must start with the paper trail, that's true. But there are other avenues to pursue. Doctor's statements, family, friends, only then can you see the entire picture. I hope this helps.

Once an accusation has been made, it needs to be investigated.  And it has been.  Would the FBI would be a competent enough authority to do this?  I hope so becausean agent did.  There has to be corroborating evidence to go with any accusation.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a domestic incident or a murder.  Words alone aren’t enough.  When responding to a domestic assault call, if there’s no evidence of an assault, you can’t go & arrest someone just because the other person said they got hit.  There has to be a bruise, scratch, torn clothes, broken chair, blood, swelling, redness, an admission…something.  If there’s evidence of physical contact, you bet…someone runs a good chance of getting taken away.  Many of the people that are booked in have bumps & bruises already.  It’s probably the result of what got them arrested in the 1st place.  I can skin my knee at football practice.  I can then go to the doctor & tell him that my wife did it.  In his paperwork, he’ll put what I said happened.  If an inmate has an injury caused by a jailor why don’t they say that when they go to the doctor?  If an inmate tells me that he was beat up by a jailor AND there’s corroborating evidence, I’m going to arrest a jailor when I get back from the hospital.  Sir, a Federal Agent has been to the jail & the Sheriff has invited other agencies to look for themselves.  No group loves a scandal more than the media. A television crew visited the jail after being informed of the gross “human rights violations”.  When the story was aired later that evening, it wasn’t quite the breaking news one had hoped for.  If I remember correctly, the segment actually showed support for the jail.  So far, the corroborating evidence just hasn’t been there. 

It is my understanding that bleach water will kill black mold but only if allowed to soak in for 15 min. If the Black Mold is in the ceiling, no way. Or if it's in the Vent shafts. This stuff can be deadly. The main problem with this stuff is that many times you can't see the main infection and the spores can and do become air born.

I’m not as much of a mold specialist as everyone else appears to be.  But it seems to me that if the inmates are getting sick from black mold, why have the jailors, Deputies, Sheriff, local police officers & D.A. not gotten sick?  I mean, we don’t get special air to breathe & we all touch the same doors, tables, walls, etc.  What makes everyone sure it’s black mold?  Is it the classic, instantly recognizable symptoms of black mold poisoning; coughing, runny nose, congestion, fever, etc?  Did anyone think of the common cold before they jumped on the black mold bandwagon?  Could it be mold?  Sure, I won’t rule it out, but I’d need a little more proof before I’m as convinced as you all seem to be.  When I was in the Marines, my platoon traveled a lot on Navy ships.  If one person got a runny nose, congestion, fever & coughing, we all got it.  I never accused the Navy of black mold poisoning.  Without further investigation, I think it’s premature to blame the Sheriff for someone getting sick, wouldn’t you agree?  I’ll make a deal with you; since it’s a medical fact that mold grows on every surface that is exposed to air & moisture, I will agree that it could be mold.  However, you all have to agree that it could be the common cold, flu or asthma.  I guess we’ll have to leave that argument open for now.

All of the reports regarding the incidents should be available. We should make an effort to contact the sheriff to see if she would be willing to work with us.  Allow a committee to review the incident reports. Signed medical release to view the medial reports, etc., etc., interview the actual guards and the prisoners. Check the daily kitchen logs, Medicines issue log etc. If we get a clear view. I would issue a letter saying how the sheriff worked with us and clear them. However I would be surprised if that ever occurs.  But in the meantime let this guy keep talking. I'm sure his boss knows about this site. I'm also sure there are people working both sides of the issue.

Sir, since you’re a “retired Private Investigator, Bail Recovery Agent, Deputy Sheriff & Jailer”, you should have more than enough experience & knowledge to expose the facts & solve this case very quickly.  Please do, so these people can get on with their lives.  You also have plans for an “operative” to get on the inside at Stephens County or Duncan, huh?  That’s so CIA like.  All that sneaking around reminds me of my counter-terrorism unit in the Marines.  Maybe we can get together sometime & swap our ultra-secret “I can tell you,but I’d have to kill you” stories.

As far as “let this guy keep talking”. Thank you, I believe I will for a little longer.  Sheriff Bruner has had visitors to the jail & she’s invited others.  The only thing wrong is no one seems to find anything to support these accusations.  But, she faces the same problem with family members that I have for responding to each & every person on an individual basis.  Everything she says is assumed to be a lie.  With that kind of preconceived notion, nothing she can say will change it.  When I respond it’s assumed that I’m lying through my teeth.  If that’s your opinion, fine.  I owe these people absolutely nothing so why should I even get involved?  The fact of the matter is I respond because I want people to be educated to both sides.  As should you, Rev. Schulte.  Whether a person believes what I say or not is not my crisis & won’t lose sleep tonight because of it.  I attend church & I teach Sunday school.  Sir, my conscience is clear.

If you or anyone else has real evidence, please, for the sake of the health & safety of the inmates, bring it forward!!  I’m not talking about the anonymous letters from “former inmates”.  Heck, I can set down tonight & come up with anonymous letters of my own from “former inmates” contradicting everything posted on the website.  However, I choose to put my name on the letters & take time to write each person individually.  So far, I have not been contacted (or contradicted) by any of the people writing letters even though they have my email address.  They don’t have a problem posting their side of the story on the website, but where are my responses?  Only 1 neutral person has put my response to her on the website & I thank her.  Why do you think no one else has?  Is someone afraid that a visitor to the site might see the other side of the story & question the legitimacy of the accusations I address?  I invite them to post my complete & unedited responses on the website.   

A criminal justice system exists to protect people on both sides of the law.  It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty darn good.  In our current system, the burden of proof rests with the accuser.  In this case, it would be your organization, the families, “former” & current inmates, etc.  You (collectively) need to prove her guilt, not her prove her innocence.  Sheriff Bruner has opened her door.  She’s had family members in her office.  Would the people who write these letters address her face to face with the same passion & hostility as they would from the safety their homes through a website?  Probably not, but I don’t think it has anything to do with getting “death threats”, the fear of having your “house burned down” or needing to go into “deep hiding”.  The last “death threat” I saw was the one my wife gave me for leaving the toilet seat up.  The last thing I “burned” was my trash & the last person I saw in “deep hiding” was my son while we were playing hide & seek.  I hope what ever problems these inmates & families have, they can get worked out & get on with their lives.  Nobody needs that much stress.

This drunk tank is not the issue. The issue is denial of water, food and the conditions 'inside the tank' as he puts it. You can call it what you want but chaining a human being to a cement floor is inhuman treatment.

Jeff Price
Deputy County Jail

Rev. Ron Schulte