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Jerry Hicklen

I do not know Jeff Price. But his email address and his signature would indicate that he is a reserve of some kind. "Stephens County Sheriff's Office Reserve" =SCSOR  # 38 perhaps?

Mr. Price: Anytime you have even ONE person that had a medical condition and it is a serious and FACTUAL medical issue, such as a Pancreatic Disorder...

[Diseases of the Pancreas]

...You know that the young man that has this is sick from it and that Diabetes runs in this family, The lack of medicine alone CAN KILL him!  Get that right, Please?

Secondly this man has this medical condition and IS NOT being allowed his medication, so therefore
with just these two men, this alone Warrants concern in general for them, as well all the well-being of every single INMATE there in your facility.

Meniere's Disease Information Center -- Extensive information  

Third, if you are a guard then you know the general laws of provision for inmates being held
in their care, right? If you are as ethical as you try and sound then please remember this too:
Not ALL people in jail are guilty, or do you see it another way?

Just as your detectives and DA's make allegations to a civilian and in their position by law they do
what they deem as right, we are doing the same. The allegations are made and we to have the
RIGHT to know. If even one person is helped then it's been worthwhile and justified in some way.

Now, as per a conspiracy? No one is claiming that, except maybe the "Good Ole Boy" network, perhaps as a cover-up? There are so few in your state of Oklahoma that Govern the jails, no wonder you all feel protected, but that is changing year by year.

So in some way {YES SIR} civil rights are being broken, just with the medical alone. If getting the right office - whether it be the FBI, your local Police {not that THAT would EVER happen}; 
whether it be local, federal, or good old boy - held accountable, prisoners HAVE THE RIGHT to medical care.

As per the comment of the Rock sounding 'mystical', you must have the mind of a child. In fact some of the Detention Officers call it 'The Rock' as well the Inmates.  It's a used "TERM" and not one we knew about till it was brought to our attention.

On your new glimmering jail"... Good for you, "State of the Art" same applies. In fact we ARE talking about two different places: The Rock is part of the OLD jail, so no need for that comment.

You mentioned the word "MONITORED".  Can things not slip through a crack?  Of course.  If not we'd have no reason to be here? You seem to speak for the entire County jail, is this so, is this your job?

Not once has anyone here said "FREE" the inmates.  We KNOW they are there for a reason, That's not our business!  Their treatment is.

On the food issue and eating, you say there is no problem. Well there must be IF a woman
from YOUR town had to come and DONATE her own monies, and her own time as well, to buy and transport food that you all DID NOT have just so the inmates could eat that day. Is this justifiable?

Thank you for being humane and taking a prisoner to the Hospital, you did the right thing, This is what we are asking of ANYONE, not to free anyone, but to do the right thing. But when a person doesn't have their meds, and you know they could die a year from then or a day from now, is that right? So there is a correct issue here, am I wrong, or Is it the "REST of the World"?

I am not too sure what is correct, or what is not on this site, but I do know there are several factual
things to check out as well as to be concerned about {
"The stories on your website are simply incorrect & have no basis of truth"} and you are wrong again: What of the inmates who have been taken to the hospital, the man who was released from Staph, the man who was on the Rock who was recently taken as well?

We are worried about the prisoners' well-being while at your jail, not whether or not there is any conspiracy!

Now remember you said, "...I'd be the 1st in line to protest..."? So will you join us?

Jerry Hicklen