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Rev. Ron Schulte

In a message dated 9/9/04 2:33:36 AM Central Daylight Time, Jeff Price writes:

There’s this thing called “Evidence”.  Please provide your evidence log because no one here seems to be able to find any.

In response to this man's statement. There is no evidence log in abuse cases.  A human Rights investigation is one of, if not the hardest, to conduct. Many times it boils down to he said she said. The investigator must be able to look over the entire picture from a distance. One must start with the paper trail, that's true. But there are other avenues to pursue. Doctor's statements, family, friends, only then can you see the entire picture. I hope this helps.

It is my understanding that bleach water will kill black mold but only if allowed to soak in for 15 min. If the Black Mold is in the ceiling, no way. Or if it's in the Vent shafts. This stuff can be deadly. The main problem with this stuff is that many times you can't see the main infection and the spores can and do become air born.

All of the reports regarding the incidents should be available. We should make an effort to contact the sheriff to see if she would be willing to work with us.  Allow a committee to review the incident reports. Signed medical release to view the medial reports, etc., etc., interview the actual guards and the prisoners. Check the daily kitchen logs, Medicines issue log etc. If we get a clear view. I would issue a letter saying how the sheriff worked with us and clear them. However I would be surprised if that ever occurs.  But in the meantime let this guy keep talking. I'm sure his boss knows about this site. I'm also sure there are people working both sides of the issue.

This drunk tank is not the issue. The issue is denial of water, food and the conditions 'inside the tank' as he puts it. You can call it what you want but chaining a human being to a cement floor is inhuman treatment.

Rev. Ron Schulte