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Twilla Knight

"In Jeff Price's statement about the rock you will notice that he talks about it being newly built.  As I have told you, the rock is in the old jail not the new, and this is what they always do.  They hide the ROCK in the old jail from everyone.  That is why I have included the floor plan for the old jail.  The ROCK is located in E-4 and E-5 of the old jail.

This is their typical cover-up.  NO I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS "MYSTICAL" ROCK BUT IS EVERY SINGLE PERSON I SPEAK WITH LYING INCLUDING MY SON?  They must have had a very large meeting to get their stories straight.

As far as bleaching goes, until March bleach was not allowed and since then the only bleaching that goes on is in a mop bucket and only the mop - not the mop and bucket - is given to the inmate.  Check this out:  The mop is handed to the inmates via the bean holes - the same bean holes the food is passed through.

As to Jeff Price, no one knows of this person and I have questioned several people. This man talks about the guys as being there because they broke the law, but that is simply an unfair statement.  Most in the Jail are untried inmates and remember, innocent until proven guilty.  A sheriff or jailer should know better than to make such a statement.  It just proves what we have been trying to say.

We here in Duncan don't consider this a conspiracy; we just consider this horrifying and shocking.  We wonder why it's allowed in this wonderful country of ours, but we never thought of this as a conspiracy.  This is Duncan, Oklahoma not the X Files.  Our names are not Molder and Scully.  Our names are MOM, WIFE AND SISTER AND FRIENDS.

No body seems to know who this man is but he might be an Auxiliary Sheriff.  This is a man who works one day a month and I believe they don't get paid to do this.  I believe.

I will respond to each and every statement:

Mr. Price talks about how the "criminals" are liars.  One has to ask themselves why this man thinks that all these untried inmates are criminals and why does he believe that they are lying to him because a man didn't report he had a pocketknife.  This mentality is the problem we are fighting with here.  As long as the people in charge are believing and treating all these untried inmates as criminals, the civil rights of the Stephens County Jail inmates will always be in jeopardy.  I will not even touch the comment that some of inmates love being in the worst Jail in Oklahoma as it is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard!

Violent inmates and non violent inmates do get put together!!! Not on the MYSTICAL ROCK but they are housed together in the pods!  Two Sundays ago I spoke to this woman waiting in line to see her husband.  She was talking about how her husband needs his psychotropic drugs.  She said when he goes off his meds he goes crazy.  She said he was going to kill someone and when he did they could not prosecute him because they did not get him his meds.  This man is in the same pod as my son!  This man has been to prison before. 

The minimum standards state that UNTRIED INMATES CAN NOT BE HOUSED WITH TRIED INMATES!  This happens as a matter of course in this jail!

This Drunk Tank is not even worth talking about as it is up to standards and not a problem.  We have never had a problem with the Drunk Tank as the Drunk Tank is in the new jail.  The real problem is the ROCK.  Those 'MYSTICAL' ROOMS that they keep leaving out.  Those 'MYSTICAL ROOMS' that are in the old jail and let me say this again THE OLD JAIL.  Those 'MYSTICAL ROOMS' that they lie about.  Yes I said lie about and according to Jeff Price only CRIMINALS LIE.  So you tell me who are the real criminals here the guys behind bars or the guys running the show???????????

As for the food, its all a matter of MATH.  The very public budget and the words of the cooks themselves state that they get just under 4,500 dollars a month to feed the inmates. 4,500  dollars a month divided by 150 (an average of inmates) divided by 30 days of the month equals = DAAAAAAAA!   If they say that they get more money,  then that amount has changed in the last 30 days or less!!!!!!!!

OK let's tackle my Child - the same child I am 'not helping' to get through this.  Kevin's broken bones.  Kevin admitted to braking his foot by kicking a wall.  That has ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN MR. PRICE AND YES IT IS BROKEN AND HAS RECENTLY BEEN RE-BROKEN WHEN HE JUMPED OFF THE BUNK BED AND IF YOU CANT SEE A PROBLEM GET GLASSES. 

As for his hand that's another story.  Kevin has never told me how that happened and refuses to do so.  Other people told me how that happened.  Many Many other people.  And when you keep making remarks about my son's hand it makes me believe you are the one responsible.  After all we know you went to the hospital with him.  YOUR WORDS.  THAT SHOWS YOU WERE ON DUTY WHEN THIS HAPPENED! IS THIS ANOTHER DAAAAAAAA???????

As for wear and tear on your cars transporting inmates to the hospital, I live here. I know how far the hospital is from the jail. What we are talking about is a mile to a mile and a half.  And if you're worried about being taken away from your duties trying to take these bogus inmates to the hospital then HURRY UP AND GET THE DOCTOR THAT DON GARRISON'S OFFICE ORDERED YOU TO GET!!!

You talk about revenge.  You give a lovely story about how a woman goes out of her way to mistreat her man.  You talk about how she lives to cause him misery.  Then he goes away and she kills herself.  Do you hate women too? Then Use another analogy.

I still don't see what any of your inmates' 'lying for games or suicidal women' have to do with explaining what is going on at this Jail.

Yes we do need to hire and will hire an attorney.  This is the advice we got from Don Garrison's office and the FBI as well as countless other people.  We would love to feel we could go to the DAs office but we don't feel that we could for many reasons.  Starting with we don't believe they would give a damn and others believe that this would make them angry and that it could work against their loved ones in there. 

I personally think that there is at least one DA that could help us as I have seen her in action and I thought she was wonderful, but my option is the only one on this matter and since I am not a long time resident here and I have never been on the other side of the bench I have to believe what the others are saying, and it makes me sad to think that I live in a town where the common resident has no faith or hope in its judicial system.  This is a wide spread belief I am finding more and more everyday.

As for inviting people into your jail,  its not an invite when a complaint goes out and they go there to check.  Many things were found wrong and and you have been told to fix them.  I can say this as it is an every day part of life.  When you are told to fix these problems you do and each time I have rejoiced, believing that everything will be alright, that my son will be alright till this is over. 

The problem is that after you fix the problems, is doesn't take that long to go back to the same old behavior. Why is this?  DO YOU REALIZE IT IS NO HARDER OR EASIER TO DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY OR THE WRONG WAY.  IT'S A MATTER OF CHOICES.  WHY ARE THESE CHOICES BEING MADE????????

Mr. Price, I know this was not a very nice response but you did not give one yourself.  If you consider yourself a good jailer and a good human you would understand the difference between an untried inmate and a tried inmate.  You would understand that the families that are going through this are being punished too.  That it is hard enough having to deal with what we have to do just having a family member accused of a crime.  Having to deal with lawyers and judges and all other matters that have to be contended with.  Why do we have to be punished by the jails too? 

Why do these untried inmates have to take abuse from the jail?  What is so hard with taking good care of them?  It's your job. You are given good guide lines to follow.  Guide lines that are tried and true. If you really care reach out to us, trust me we will reach back and gratefully so.  We just want to know that while our loved ones are in your care they will be OK.  That's all I have ever asked. I really wasn't trying to be ugly but some of your responses left no other course.

Mr. Price, I don't want to be enemies with you. I just want my son to do his time in safety and return home as healthy as when he left. What you and I see as truth is apparently different, but then, we are standing in different shoes. Please help us and we'll try to help you. We just want this issue to be fixed and we are more than willing to help however we can. Our family members' health and safety is and always will be our utmost concern

Twilla Knight