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The Sentinel

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Quick Disclaimer: I don't own Jim or Blair. Quite frankly I think it's presumptuous of Petfly to claim ownership, but there you go. Dell Computers belong to someone who is not me. Which explains why I have no money.

Dude, You’re Getting a …!


“Ms. Sandburg. Blair!” 

“Hello, James.” 

“Are you looking for a new computer?” 

“If I can find some help!” 

“I can help you!” James proceeded to give the free-spirited woman his best sales pitch for the computer. 

“One and a half gigahertz processor, eighty gigs of hard drive, two hundred fifty-sex, oops, six MBs of ram. Sound blaster audio card, screaming video. Nineteen inch monitor. Printer and upgrade to a scanner included!” 

Ms. Sandburg listened, breathless and confused, at the technical jargon that was being flung at her. She spared a glance at her son. For a change, his curly hair was being restrained from his face with a leather thong, and she could see how enthralled he was by the other boy’s spiel. 

“*And* twenty-four hour online technical support!” 

“Hmmm.” Ms Sandburg was so pleased Blair had found a friend. Her son’s blue eyes sparkled, avidly watching the boy who worked mightily to convince her this brand was the best on the market. “Thank you, James!” 

She took down the phone number of the company, determined to hurry home and call them immediately. 

James turned gleefully to the young man who had promised to let Jim fuck him if Jim could get Blair’s mom to buy him a new computer. 

“Dude, you’re gonna get my dick!”


Just hit the back arrow, okay? This is too short to go through the whole magilla!