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The Sentinel

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Title: Lips and Licks and Strawberry Shortcake  

Author/pseudonym: Tinnean  

Fandom: The Sentinel  

Pairing: Jim/Blair  

Rating: FRM

Disclaimer: They still belong to Petfly.  

Status: new/complete  

Date: 8/3/06  

Series/Sequel: no

Summary: A woman licks her lips, and Jim sees Blair watching her.  

Warnings: m/m  

Notes: This is in response to Margaret's first writing exercise for August on 60second_fanfic: Write a piece about 400 words or so long (I ran over, 524), about lust. If you write m/m slash, one of the guys sees a woman seductively licking her lips, how does he react? This is for Tim's birthday, 8/1/06 . I'm late, I know. ::sigh:: Thanks to Gail who was kind enough to give this the okay.


Lips and Licks and Strawberry Shortcake

By Tinnean


Jim didn't need to have Sentinel-enhanced vision to know that Blair was staring at the woman's mouth.  

They were in front of the bakery, with its pristine window reflecting the images of the three people standing before it, and Jim could see it, plain as day. He felt his heart sink.  

When he had first given Blair the okay to move in with him, he'd assumed the 'neo-hippy witchdoctor punk' was straight. He'd quietly lusted after Blair, with his mane of curly brown hair – he'd fantasized about capturing fists of it and using it to guide Blair's mouth to his dick – and blue, blue eyes that he'd fantasized about watching in passionate wonder as Jim undressed him, carefully prepared his body, and slid into him.  

Jim would have gone on living with his fantasies, certain the man who shared the loft with him was heterosexual to the core, but one day Blair had literally tripped him and beaten him to the mattress.  

"So you're homosexual, Chief?" he'd asked when he'd finally caught his breath.  

Blair had grinned that cocky grin. "I'm as homosexual as I need to be. You know how I hate labels."  

Jim also knew what a horn dog Sandburg had been. He'd had women in and out of his life for months after he'd moved into the loft.  

And wasn't that the problem – the possibility that since Blair had had female lovers before Jim, he could have female lovers after Jim?  

Yeah, Jim had gone the same route, but it was simply to throw dust in the eyes of anyone who might question his sexuality. And after Carolyn Plummer, his one attempt at living la vida 'normal', he'd never do that again.  

The fear that he could one day lose Blair haunted Jim a lot these days. He was older, he was anal, as Blair liked to tease him, and as little as he wanted to admit it, his hairline did seem to be heading south.  

Face it. Blair could have anyone, male or female, by raising an eyebrow or – Jim acknowledged ruefully – by simply licking his own lips.  

And now Blair was looking at the way this woman's lips parted, the way her tongue peeked out, the way it ran over her lips – her seductive, lush, red lips.  

To give the woman credit, Jim was sure her actions were unconscious. Her eyes seemed focused on the lone piece of strawberry shortcake in the window, with its plump, red strawberries and swirls of snowy whipped cream.  

"Each bite would go right to my hips." She gave her lips a last lick, sighed, and walked away.  

Jim met Blair's eyes in the reflection of the window.    

"What are you thinking, Chief?"  

Blair smiled. His gaze dipped to Jim's mouth, then rose to look into Jim's ice blue eyes. Blair's blue, blue eyes were bright with… lust? Oh, yeah, there was lust involved, aimed right at Jim, but there was also love. Blair touched his tongue to his lips.  

"I was thinking how lucky I am to have you for a lover. And how much I want that last piece of strawberry shortcake!"

