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Hello Mommy!
How are you today?
I am playing in God's garden,
oh, what a beautiful day!

Don't you worry Mommy
I am flying high with the Angels see,
through the pretty clouds.
Can you feel the breeze?

Oh my precious Mommy,
I am having so much fun.
I am with God now
and we play and we run.

He tickles me Mommy
and tosses me up in the air.
He is so great Mommy,
We play hide and seek, too.
He always sneaks up on me
and says "peek a boo".

I know you miss me
with all your heart.
I see your tears
through the day
and when it is dark.

Be happy for me Mommy
I am in a great place.
I am with Jesus
and the Angels,
in God's amazing place.

So, when you lay your head
down to sleep tonight,
say your prayers
and remember I miss you too,
and as you close your eyes
listen for my tiny whispers
saying "Mommy, I LOVE YOU".

Written by Kathy Williams
For My Monique