Mayor Carl Anthony Redus, Jr. was sworn in as the 35th mayor of Pine Bluff, Arkansas
on January 3, 2005.
He is a native Pine Bluffian, was educated in the public schools and
received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from AM&N College (currently the University
of Arkansas at Pine Bluff) in 1971.
His education trail led him to Atlanta, Georgia to pur-
sue a curriculum in business at Clark Atlanta University School of Business where he received
a MBA degree with a concentration in Finance during May of 1973.
Further studies have
been completed at the New York Institute of Finance and the Wharton School of
Banking Operations.
He was consistently recognized and rewarded for superior sales
leadership while residing in Atlanta, Georgia and spent approximately 30 years cultivating
and developing relations with senior-level executives throughout the southern states and
the New York banking markets.
Although his skills were nurtured in the corporate environ-
ment, his desire to fulfill potential entrepreneurial goal led to the field of real estate.