Congrats to the following who recieved Critics Choice at District Competitions on January 18, 2003.
Solo Musical
Stephanie Cohen--Gimme, Gimme
Solo Musical
Kiera Ganguzza--Come to Your Senses
Solo Musical
Gavin Graber--Tell My Father
Duet Musical
David Bucknell and George Witt--We'll Take a Glass
Duet Musical
Chloe Dolandis and Gavin Graber--Therapy
Ensemble Musical
Forget About the Boy
Ensemble Musical
Dirty Laundry
Christine Reeves
Ensemble Acting
Student Directed Scene
Holly Springer--Harvey
Congrats to Tausha Cowan for recieving Honorable Mention for Monologues.
4992 also won District Rep for the ensemble scene Medea which will be performed at States in April!!:)
To be performed at States:
1. Gimme, Gimme
2. Christine's Monologues
3. Dirty Laundry
4. Forget About the Boy
5. Therapy
Technial: Ali Gaffey, Allison Shaffaer and Rachel Reaboi for Publicity
AND Holly Springer who will attend a workshop for her Student Directed Scenes!!
***STATES**** update
Congrats to everyone who competed. We took home superior ratings in every event we were in as well as recieved CRITICS CHOICE for our ensemble musical "Forget About the Boy". Fabulous job everyone.