April 24th, 2002 Yesterday was the CP formal. Luckily, my mom was able to send me my senior prom dress so that I would be able to go. And I just have to say that my dress was the funnest one there. There were lots of pretty dresses of course and they gave me great ideas for drawings in the future. :) However, I do have to point out that it was a little weird. I've never gone to a formal by myself, even though Yamill was thoughtful enough to give me a white rose. It wasn't that I went all alone to the formal, because we had a big group! It was Josie, Christy, JB, Mike, Alyssa (Mike's new g/f now), Chandler, Yamill, and a few others that I can't remember their names of who are Alyssa's friends and room mates. It was just weird that I wasn't with a date, even if it was a friend to go with. I wasn't feeling all that great at the end of the night last night so I called in sick today. I think I needed more "me time". So I watched "Bridget Jones's Diary". And I didn't notice it so much the first time I watched it, but today I did. In the scene where Bridget and her boss are gone for the weekend and it's night, the camera goes from their window to outside where this bride and groom are just dancing long after their reception. I think that is the sweetest thing. I can just imagine what the bride was thinking at that point. That she would no longer have to ever worry about being without him and that she will always be safe. I have never felt that feeling before until I let my mind pretend I was her. That is always the best way to watch movies anyway; to understand the characters. But as a disclaimer; I am in no hurry to get married. Although it sounds exciting and all, I still want to be on my own and do whatever I want and go where ever I want while I still can. :) It was a beautiful scene to say the least. For the hell of it, Sabrina and I just played Dance Dance Revolution all day today. I don't think I've ever sweated so much in my entire life it was so much fun! There's even a workout mode, it's a wonder that it isn't used for school gym class! I bet by the time I come home I should be a size four! (::does a lil dance::) :-D Of course, when I have time to play it.. Poo.. :(