Feb. 24, 2002 I realized early on when I got to Florida of the MANY opportunities here. In Oregon, we are quite limited compared to how it is for me now. There was a possibility for me to be in a taping of the Travel Channel's segment of the new areas of Disney World. Of course, I had to work the days of taping, but oh well. :) On Tuesday (Feb. 26) there's an audition for me for a "Dawson's Creek" episode. HELL YA I'm going! It's for the senior prom episode (I dunno why there's a 'senior' prom when they just got into college, but whatever). I'm not getting my hopes up because I realize that there are a lot of people going to this audition --most with a LOT more acting experience than me. I now have two goals that I HAVE to achieve by August: 1. Get an audition for a character. 2. Get the princess pins that were limited to 1500. They're now selling on eBay for $500 for the complete set..so I figure I'll just be patient. Besides, I'll have plenty of time. I want to be a princess character so much, I don't think anyone here understand how badly I really want this. I will do almost anything it takes to get this too. Whenever I go to Magic Kingdom and I see the princesses, I get so depressed because of how far away my goal seems. And maybe it won't ever happen. But I'm trying to also be very positive. I won't give up until they personally tell me that I can't. That's all I want. Just a simple 'yes, it's possible' or a 'no, sorry you don't qualify'. And that's what an audition, or a merely an interview will tell me. I have so much ambition. I have goals that are no easy task and I am so stubborn I have to reach them. I think that it's both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because it keeps me reaching for what I really want and not just settling for something half baked. Bad because I know that there will be some goals I cannot reach and that will eventually discourage me and that'll be a depressing day. But either way, I'm not giving up on what I want! :-D