June 23rd, 2002 Well, my mom came and went. It was really fun to go to the parks with someone who's never been there. However, I feel as though my fun could have been more if I didn't have a migrane the entire time she was there. In fact, it lasted ten whole days! I also felt as though my managers at first didn't think as my migranes as such a big deal since they wouldn't let me leave when I knew I had to go before anything worse happened. Anyway, so my mom and I stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside resort at WDW. It's great how they had the whole theming down and it made it that much more fun. We did all four of the parks, each one a different day and had a day just to run around doing errands since it rained the ENTIRE day. My mom also bought the interactive Stitch character for my niece, Kristen for Christmas, so I'll be playing with it until then. :-D Oh, I bought the cutest thing online the other day. I went on eBay and found this electronic Sailormoon game that speaks all in Japanese! Cheri (from home) and I are planning to take Japanese at school this fall so eventually I'll figure out exactly what it's saying! You see, I have this whole plan for the next, oh, say 5-6 years or so, or as my mom calls it, my "road map". I wrote it mostly for me to keep track on how far I've gone and how far I have to go. It's really detailed on how many classes I have to go and what credits are transferable. Anyway, here's the basic idea: * Go to Chemeketa and take my basic courses I have left (including Japanese). * Save up mondo mola. * Go to OSU to finish up and major in dietetics * Possibily if I do well enough in Japanese, double major and graduate with a BA in for Japanese (Bach of Arts) and BS in the dietetics (Bach of Science). * Celebrate by spending my saved money in JAPAN! :) * Go back to grad school; possibly OSU also but I'm still shopping. * Take the 2 years to get my Masters of Science. * Finally, take the 1.5 years to get my PhD! I realized that I'm very ambitious. And I think that I would still confused if I didn't come here. I think I found myself while I've been here and now I'm excited to get back to work. I've also realized that guys take up too much of my time. Just in general, of course. I'll still hang out with my guy friends and have fun as usual, but I don't want to be serious for quite a long time from now. I want to finish what I've started and go from there. I need to take care of just me for a while. And that's always a good thing.