This list is made up from many cast members in my area and was gradually added on. This list is all in good fun and is in no way made to be taken seriously and is made purely for the sake of mild entertainment. DISCLAIMER: Do NOT read if you want to keep the "magic". You Know You Work At Disney World When: 1. You end all your conversations with, "Have a Magical Day!" or "Thanks for coming, please come back and see us sometime!" 2. Every time you point you use the "Disney Point." 3. You have the urge to pick up trash and greet people even when not in costume. 4. You have the ability to say, "Have a great day" to ANY and all Guests. 5. You know where the bathroom is. 6. You think every night ends with fireworks. 7. You either wait a maximum time of 20 minutes for a ride or don't wait at all. 8. You smile at each and every person you come across. 9. You answer Guests questions when you overhear them ask other people in their party (this doesn't mean while *just* in costume) 10. When you answer a question before the person finishes their statement. 11. You see Mickey Mouse everywhere you go, even if he's not really there. 12. You're no longer iin denial that people are stupid and leave their common sense at home. 13. You see cast member friends out of costume and can't place where or how you know them from. 14. Old, obese women in bikini tops are part of every day life. 15. You still know where the bathroom is. 16. You've seen Cinderella without her dress. 17. You've seen Mickey having a cigarette. 18. You can sing along with parade songs. 19. You refer to Walt Disney in present tense. 20. You are still smiling!! 21. You refer to Mickey Mouse as the "Rat". 22. You dream about parades and shows. 23. You recognize and acknowledge that you are an underpaid prostitute of "the Rat". 24. You spend more time *getting* to work then you actually *are* at work. 25. You continuiously have to write, "I will not kill the mouse" just to keep sane. 26. A forty-six hour/five day week followed by a thirty hour/five day week can be concidered normal. 27. You notice a puddle of transmission fluid under your car and concern for your vehicle becomes a second thought, the first being: 'Hey, that puddle is a hidden Mickey!" 28. Your baby sister back home tells people you live with Mickey Mouse. 29. You know exactly what a Brazilian will say before speaking: "How much?" and that's all. 30. Respect? What's that? 31. You know your location's theme music by heart (plus any other music that goes on as live entertainment in the area). 32. You know what Epcot stands for. 33. You haev *just* enough money for food. 34. You visit the parks for only about an hour or so at a time. 35. You need only to refer to Mickey as "the Mouse". 36. You begin to make hats out of Guide Maps. 37. You refer to the bathroom as a toilet (for Europeans). 38. You carry pins for small children as a "magical moment" on or off the clock. 39. You know the real use of a "toothpick holder". 40. You call friends back home about stuff that's going on around work and they begin to believe you speak a foreign language.