You Know You Live With 7 Other Roommates When: 1. The house is NEVER what you call "clean". 2. There are always 5-6 different washcloths being used for dishes at any ONE time. 3. The concept of clean silverware - let along dishes - is foreign. 4. Privacy is more than a luxury. 5. The idea of shopping for food is dangerious when believing that there *is* enough room in the fridge and/or freezer. 6. Food is meant to be seen, be in the way, smell, make a mess, but never eaten right away to make room. 7. You have post-it reminders around the house (ie "Cover or Clean; it's that simple" for the microwave). 8. The pens for the dry erase board never have ink. 9. Names on items (such as food) mean EVERYTHING. 10. Respect? What's that? 11. The house is either too hot or too cold. 12. You have a chore list... That doesn't work. 13. A good week is when taking out the garbage is NOT your chore. 14. The carpet has yet to be vacuumed. 15. You thank God everyday there is also an internet phone line separate from the main line. 16. You live "Real World" every day. 17. Anything in the living room is "fair game". 18. There is no "thought of others before yourself" idea and only selfishness is concidered normal and assumed expected. 19. You already have a roommate application form idea in your head for future "situations". 20. Nothing of yours seems sacred to anyone except yoruself.