March 11, 2002 I have discovered the BEST way to exercise so it's not like work or hard to do. Three words: Dance Dance Revolution! I hope to get the pad and game for Playstation 2 when I get back home. I highly suggest downloading the song "Butterfly" since it's just so cute! I had the most fun today since I had the day off. Mia and I went to Magic Kingdom (MK) and rode Space Mountain. It was a 75 minute wait so it said, but I think it was more like 40 or so. Anyway, so we were waiting in line and there were some kids behind us. Well, being the easily amused person I am, I started a sing along! Of course, the kids chimed in quickly, then a few others joined in. So a whole bunch of people began singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" and "Hokey Pokey". One of the little girls also took a picture of us. It just goes to show we now have a fan club. :-D I think just playing around and waving to people getting on the rides is beginning to be more fun than the actual ride. Speaking of fun, whenever I'm working, I often get the question from other cast members, "Are you having fun?". And in most cases, yes I am! Everyone gets this question at least once every day and without being sarcastic at all. I think it's amazing that working here can actually be fun. Sure there are bad days, but it really is fun a lot of the time.