March 8, 2002 On the 5th, Marcia had her 23rd birthday. She wanted everyone to get that day off, even if it meant selling our future first born so that we could have a whole day of fun. :) Good plan and all, except on that day she decided to not have anything to do with us and didn't tell us. So we all had no plans and were left out of the loop. Mike was the one that had the hardest time getting someone to work for him that day. And did she even apologize? Ha! Dream on. For days before she had been acting like a spoiled only child. Since then, none of us have talked to her much. The day after her b-day, she invited only Mike to join her to go to Cocoa beach. Although he didn't go. I swear this is just like "Real World" off of MTV or some soap oprah. Not just the people I hang out usually, but also my room mates. Of course I hang out with them too, but just not so often. Here's a little desciption of the four parks of Walt Disney World: 1.) Magic Kingdom - Quite known for being the best of the four. It's very much alike to Disneyland. However, it doesn't have the Indiana Jones ride but does have the Alien Encounter "ride" in Tomorrowland. Best attractions: Thunder Mountain Railroad and Space Mountain. 2.) Epcot - There are two parts to this park; Future World and the World Showcase. This park is mostly for the learning experiences of both future technology and world cultures. I actually like to come back to this park on my days off. Some guests just come to go to the different resturants around the showcase. I suggest either Italy's Alfredo or Japan's Sushi. They even have green tea ice cream! Stands for: Experimental Protocol Community of Tomorrow (Walt's dream was to have all cast members live within the park). Or: Every Paycheck Comes on Thursday! Or: Every Person Comes Out Tired. Best attractions: JAPAN and CHINA! ;) And of course, Test Track. 3.) Disney-MGM Studios - Think of Universal Studios. The theme is Hollywood all around the park. This is also the home of the Beauty and the Beast show and Fantasmic (in Disneyland, it takes place by Tom Swayer's Island). It also has an Indiana Jones stage show. Hilarious. Best attractions: Backlot tour, Rockin' Roller Coaster (starring Aerosmith), and the BEST: Hollywood Tower of Terror. 4.) Animal Kingdom - It's got animals (duh). Three major themes: environmental, educational, and uh.. I forget. LOL.. Best attractions: Dinosaur ride (a lot like Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland) and Safari (although a bit cheezy).