May 13th, 2002 I've met my opposite the day I agreed to go with William to the airport to pick up one of his friends and a former CP. Her name is Holly and she drives me nuts. Although she has a peppy personality a lot like mine, it's used in the exact opposite it should be delievered to others. She's so negative with every word she utters that because she's so peppy about it it comes across people very strongly and makes the others around her get in the same crappy mood she's in. Even me and it's so annoying! I honestly cannot stand being around her more than I really have to. I feel sorta bad for William to put up with that crap since he realizes it all now, but at least she's here for only a week visiting and working at Disney so that she can keep her status here. Perhaps someday I'll learn to tolerate people like her, but until then I'll steer clear. There's just no dealing with her. My apartment is so odd. Not the building itself but the people who live in it with me. I went on strike on the kitchen duties since I felt as though people were just lining up their dishes and other messes for me. I seriously cannot live in a dirty house but I'm trying my best to devert myself away from cleaning anymore. I think it's obvious that my house in the future will be soooo clean. Thank God! That's the only thing sometimes that helps me through this stuff. How people can deal with this here is beyond me. At least my bedroom that I share with Charletta is than everyone else's! :) Tolerance my friend, is what I'm learning here. More than anything else, no matter what other experience I partake while I've been here and therefore earning credit for; is tolerance. It really is amazing what patience you have when you begin working here. In a way, Disney warps the mind. I already wrote before about the "Disney Point", but I've discovered more examples I thought I'd share. First, whenever we see people around the work place or even around the apartment complexes, we always say, "Hello," and "How are you?" Normally, some will say just a "Hello" but I've realized that I ask how people are doing waaaay more often now than I ever have. It's just natural here to ask Guests if their vacation here is well spent or if they're having difficulties. We have a "No Strings Attached" rule here where if there was something wrong that happened to a Guest that they may or may not have had control over, we try to do "Guest Recovery". For example, if someone spilled a drink all over their shirt, we give them a new Disney shirt for free (aka "No Strings Attached"). Or maybe if a ride breaks down with them on it, we may give them a card to come back later and not wait in line. Or if they spill their food we replace it without even asking. All Guest Recoveries are done as quickly as possible too. I think it's awesome that Disney has such a system it makes the Guest feel so much better. I wish more companies did something like that. :)