July 31, 1969 Letter to Vallejo's Times-Herald
"Dear Editor
I am the killer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman and the Girl last 4th of July. To Prove this i shall state some facts which only I+ the police know.
1 Brand name of ammo Super X
2 10 shots fired
3 Boy was on back feet to car
4 Girl was lyeing on right rise feet to west
4th of July
1 Girl was wearing patterned pants
2 Boy was also shot in knee
3 Brand name of ammo was Western
Here is a cyipher or that is part of one. The other 2 parts of this cipher have been mailed to the S.F. Examiner + the S.F. Chronicle.
I want you to print this cipher on your frunt page by Fry Afternoon Aug 1-69, If you do not do this I will go on a kill rampage Fry night that will last the whole week end. I will cruse around and pick off all stray people or coupples that are alone then move on to kill some more untill I have killed over a dozen people."
- Although in one of the other letters it was stated that the Zodiac supposedly gave his identity, when it was cracked by a high school teacher, there was no name in there.