The Zodiac: A Profile
The picture is a colored in drawing of what police say the Zodiac Killer looks like. (This is also on the Wanted Poster, only it's in black and white.)
- 30 to 40 years old in 1969 (He'd be 60 to 70 now)
- 180 tp 190 lbs.
- Stocky build
- Brown crew-cut style hair with tints of blonde and red
- Wore glasses
- Distinguishable marks include acne scars on his chin
- Male
- Has a
- Never seen with facial hair
- Race: Caucasian
- Spoke in a precise and monotone voice
- Uses British English phrases (Known because it was present in some of his letters)
- Described as narcisistic
- Expert marksman; possible military background
- Writes with a distinctive print style
- May be ambidextrous
- Described as a movie buff and a fan of Gilbert and Sullivan
- Height: 5'9 to 6'0
- Eye color is unknown
- Appeared interested in the Mikado
- Wore Wing Walker boots (Prints were found at Lake Berryessa)
- Has knowledge of: car engines, disguises, guns, cryptology, bomb making, astrology, drafting, and police procedures