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Web Quest Conclusion

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Through this Web Quest journey, you explored many aspects of the immigrant experience. Specifically, you learned about immigration and the regulations that were imposed, and the difficulties of immigrant opposition. You also learned about Ellis Island and its role in immigration.


While you worked on this project, many questions may have started to fester. What were they? Did you feel a connection to the topic? Why or why not? Do have a first hand tale and/or immigration story? Be prepared to share with the class your overall experience with this project.


In language arts we will further explore the topic of immigration. You will research your family’s genealogy and their arrival in the United States. You will interview family members, compile facts, and create a family tree. Ultimately you will write a personal narrative about your family’s immigration history. Further instructions will be given on our next quest. Until then, start your research. (Hint: the Ellis Island websites provided may be useful.)

Oh and heads up…..our next social studies Web Quest will take us on a journey on immigration today and the beliefs, problems, and/or issues that can arise.

Thank you for taking the Immigration Web Quest Journey.

Rest up for next time!


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