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Web Quest Introduction

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What ethnicity is your family? Where are you from? What culture and traditions do you celebrate? How did you get here? Why are you here? If you asked any one person this, they would probably have answers to give. Why?........because everyone has a story.

As Americans, we all come from ancestors that originally came from other countries. No matter what your origin is (English, Irish, German, Mexican, Spanish, Asian, etc.) and how long you and your ancestors have been a part of this country, we are all immigrants. In fact, from its beginnings, America was formed by a group of immigrants in search of a better life and freedom. Overtime, the United States became a nation of immigrant groups that called themselves “American”. As the number of immigrants increased, our country was formed.

Throughout history, immigration has always been a part of our reality. In the late 1800s through the 1950s, there was a major influx of immigration into the United States, particularly through Ellis Island. Ellis Island became the main entry facility where immigrants entered the United States. Many families of all origins entered this facility in hopes of becoming “American”.

Today, immigrants still come to this country in search of a better life and in some cases…freedom. While on this Web Quest journey, you will go back in time to learn what it was like to be an immigrant in the late 1800s-mid 1900s. Specifically, you will learn about immigration, immigration regulation, the Ellis Island experience, and the trials and tribulations of being an immigrant.


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