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Constitution of Kyushu University Muslim Student Association

Following is the Tentative Constitution of KUMSA. It is under the process of review and discussion. The final draft will be announced soon.

The name of Association is Kyushu University Muslim Student Association, herein mentioned as KUMSA, for sake of  brevity.
2 All Muslim student of Kyushu University shall automatically be a member of KUMSA. Nobody, however, can be forced to participate in its activities.
3 The association will promote and held regular cultural activities of students belonging to various Muslim Countries. Also, it will look into general affairs of its members.
4 The organization of KUMSA, which forms Executive Council of KUMSA, is as follows:
    (a) President
    (b) Vice-President
    (c) General Secretary
    (d) Treasurer
    (e) Cultural Secretary
    (f) Project Secretary
The President
(a) The President is the chief executive and is responsible for steering of Executive Council towards the realization of the objectives of KUMSA.
(b) The president is empowered to represent and speak on the behalf of KUMSA when required.
(c) The president will call for and preside over the meeting of the Executive Council.
6 The Vice-President
(a) The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume the duties and responsibilities of an absent president.
7 The General Secretary
(a) The General Secretary is responsible for the coordination between the activities of the office bearers.
(b) In the absence of President and Vice President, the General Secretary is the spokesman of KUMSA and should fulfill duties 7(a), 7(b) and 7(c) of the constitution.
(c) The General Secretary shall keep records of meetings and responsible for office organization.
8 The Treasurer
(a) The Treasurer is responsible for keeping accounts of KUMSA and shall be custodian of the liquid assets at hand.
(b) A checking account in the name of KUMSA should be made at a well reputed bank and payments should be made, whenever possible, through checks co-signed by any two of three office-bearers namely the president, the General Secretary and Treasurer.
(c) The Treasurer shall outline sound financial policy and advice the Executive Council for possible sources of revenue and the expenditure, which should be economized.
9 The Culture Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for all cultural events, its execution and arrangements.
10 Project Secretary
The Project Secretary is responsible for execution, management of Project under the directives of President and its Executive Committee.
11 At the end of each academic year, the Executive Committee shall nominate an auditor to audit the financial account of the association. The auditor shall be any impartial member who shall not hold any post in the Executive Committee of that time.
12  The Executive Committee shall be elected to serve for one-year term starting April 1, of that year until March 31 of the following year.
13 General Election shall be held during the second half of March every year to facilitate smooth and cooperative transition of authority.
14 No person shall be elected to the Presidency more than twice.
15 Once a President is elected, no one from the newly elected Presidentfs country can be a candidate for the President post for the next five years. However, in situations when there is no candidate for the President post this rule will not be effective.
16 President is authorized to call an executive meeting. However, the President is bound to call a meeting within a week at the request of at least one half of majority of members of executive committee. The request shall be made in writing and duly signed by at least one half of majority of executive members.
17 Meetings shall be held according to urgent issues, at least one General Meeting, however, shall be called in by the President in each semester. '
18 Decision of the meeting has to be recorded by the General Secretary. In the absence of General Secretary, President shall nominate any present member of executive council to records the minutes of meeting.
19 The President, The General Secretary, and The Treasurer shall present the annual report at the Annual General Meeting before the election of the new Executive Committee.
20 The election date shall be announced formally at least ten days before the actual date.
21 This constitution shall be amendable if in balloting where majority wins of two thirds of all the members of executive council.
22 If desired, Council of Senior Students can be formed by the President to supervise and oversee the constitutional duties of the Executive Committee. Such a committee shall consist of five members.
23 The Council of Senior Students has the authority to call in emergency meeting if the ruling Executive Committee does not carry out its responsibilities in accordance with the constitutional provisions
24 After election of the new Executive Committee the old Executive Committee and its President shall cease to exist.
25 This constitution shall be issued in English. It may be, however, translated into any other languages if so desired. Should there be any doubt about the semantic interpretation, the English version shall prevail.

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