The party has been a symbol of fun and amusement
since the early Baroque era when artists like Rembrandt would gather and
sniff paint while discussing the hidden penis' that they put in their work.
Over the years "the party" has become a drunken celebration of being a
teenager and being able to tell old people to go to hell even if you are
throwing dog crap at their windows. I'm going to proceed to tell
you my opinions, tips and experiences with parties these days, so grab
a brew and close your eyes, for you are about to be magically whisked away
to a world of.....amazing shit i guess.
First off, i think parties are funny, especially when they deal with little punk high school kids who have to wait at the beer store for 6 hours to find some guy in an Iron Maiden T shirt to buy them beer. Now don't get me wrong, I've been there, but now that I'm a big punk high school kid, I can look back and laugh at them and yell out them out my car window. It seems silly that someone would allow all these kids to come to their house and make a mess and get in trouble with the police just to get a little bit drunk, but I guess it's that whole rebellion thing. Kids are not always like this, let me show you what I mean: |
You start off with a generation of teens, who grew up without any other teens to scare them. (I'm assuming this began when the earth was created) This, in turn, leads them to believe that they are invincible and can boss around any little kids that they want. So then you have these kids who grow up scared and who don't have time to be fuck heads. They respect little kids because they know what it feels like to be pushed around and to have goose shit forced into their mouths....not that that ever happened to me...ahah...... anyways the cycle therefore repeats itself and the next generation isn's scared so they turn into punks. That might of been confusing so just look at this: | ||
![]() Generation 1: Punks, if you think you are one, go here |
![]() Generation 2: Teens who respect themselves and their peers. ie pussies |
Ok so that's a little harsh, they're not really pussies (the MFO is a part of this generation) they just don't push kids off bikes then steal their Pogs. I got pretty off topic there, so back to parties. |
If you are at that age where it's pretty easy
to get beer and your parents don't really care if they find you passed
out on the computer in the middle of a game of NHL 2001 then that's when
the fun really begins. No longer do you have to drink in parks where
the beer is warm and the police are on your ass. You can enjoy a
good, cold beer on your friend's patio while listening to some rock n'
roll and stuff. I've found that there are two types of parties these
1) The intimate gathering of friends which revolves around a particular event such as the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Or maybe you're just really bored so you get some beer and some porno and some rock em sock em's and you talk about which girls in your school have the largest breasts. 2) The outta control house party which either happens by choice or by word of mouth. These can be fun because you can go up to anyone and say "how's it going shitface?" and they'll give you five and you can raise your arms and scream and stuff. Whatever your fancy parties are great because most of us can't afford to go to a bar and pay five dollars for a beer. This past March, members of the MFO got to go to Mexico for a week with some of our friends to get smashed and lie in the sand. I'd highly suggest going somewhere like Mexico during Spring Break because Mexicans don't care how old you are, as long as they get their money they'll give you booze. They even tried to sell us beer outside the airport. Me and Doom couldn't help ourselves and we chugged three beers on the bus to our resort. With the all inclusive package, we were fall down drunk before we even got our room. I think that if you have the money, you should take a trip like this because the party never stops. You also get to see thirty year old men with mullets get ridiculously drunk and make fools of themselves. |
1) Doom double straw chugging 9-12 rummer punchers then puking on the dance floor of world renowned "Senior Frog's". 2) Me, Doom and our friend Eazy-C getting smashed at Club Coco Bongo and somehow making it back to the resort on a crazy Mexican Bus 3) The day after being really hung over and puking before going on a boat tour, then going on the boat tour and puking more. Meanwhile Doom drank about 30 shots of Tequila. 4) Neon Ghost getting smashed off Pina Coladas then falling asleep on my shoe then puking spaghetti into a bush. For the rest of the trip he'd point out the spaghetti to us while en route to his room. It didn't go away. 5) Beaded Mullet (see banner for pic) getting piss drunk then falling off the stage after participating in the stripping contest. Doom was on the floor laughing. Then me and Eazy-C fed him more booze and he fell off a chair. |
![]() On the Senior Frog's website you can buy this shoe. I shit you not.
So ya parties can produce many good and bad memories but they're usually really funny none the less. Just try not to go overboard and drink so much that you can't remember how to take a shit. Try making theme days like New Beer Thursdays. At least you'll be sort of accomplishing something. If you have any good party stories or pics don't hesitate to send them to us at'll probably just post them and make fun of you. |