First off, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SHIT?! This wasn't a movie, it was a monstrosity to entertainment. Here we have Mr. Arnold Schwartzeneger character, he flies a helicopter which takes snowboarders up a mountain. One day he lets his friend take over and that friend dies. Everyone thinks it was Arnie flying the chopper so, hey, we'll just clone him from this blood we took earlier that day. What a coincidence, hey? So now there's an Arnie clone living at Arnie's house, sexing Arnie's wife and uh, fathering Arnie's kid. What to do Arnie, what to do? How about you kill everyone involved in the cloning project? Sounds good!
Yee-Haw!! Thems
were good beans!Now I'm no expert on helicopter pilots, but, last time I checked pilots weren't all psycho's that go on killing sprees quite so easily. So maybe Arnie wasn't the right man for the job because he just loves to kill. Mind you this dude's life has been destroyed and he's devastated but when he finds out that his clone is living his life, he doesn't look anything like what you might expect someone is this situation to look like. His exact facial expression is remarkably similar to one I make while passing gas.
And another thing, why are they making Arnie act so much? That's not his style. Stick to the bread and butter boys, one liners. At one point in the movie Arnie and his clone team up. Cool, right? Wrong. The dialogue and horrible acting in this scene had people in the theatre laughing uncontrolably, crying, throwing up and tearing out chunks of their own hair. Actually I was the only one tearing out my hair but that's besides the point. Nobody, anywhere, ever would hold a conversation like in this scene. People just don't talk that way. If someone asks a question you don't answer by yelling out "I LOVE MY CLONE! HURRAY FOR ANUS!" It doesn't work like that. And when they tried to show that the Arnie's would think alike and say cool at the same time, in that wonderful Arnie accent it made me think that they let a 12 year old boy who's mother was an alcoholic and who's father was a chimp, write the whole thing. + = My writing credits also include;
Velocity Trap, Fortress 2,
Look Who's Talking Now,
and Titanic.
OF THE CENTURY!!!!It's simply preposterous to think that anyone who met a clone of themselves at some point in time wouldn't fight their clone to the death. Think about it, it's the perfect fucking match. You versus yourself. You'd never find such an even match since Sugar Ray Leonard fought Sugar Ray Johnson. It would be the best fight of all time! And to think that someone would meet a clone of themselves and not think this is simply stupid and I damn the writers to hell for not including this in their movie.
John Tesla
"Nobody consulted me when they made this movie."While we're on the subject of preposterousness let's discuss this whole cloning thing shall we? Now I happen to be an expert on cloning, I did my 4th grade science project on this very subject. In the movie human bodies are grown until they're about adult size and then the persons DNA is inserted into the 'blank' body and viola, el magico clono de sciencica. But wait a minute here guys, I'm lost. How exactly do they grow a human body without any DNA? Doesn't it kinda need that in the development stages to take form and such? No? Oh alright then. Sooo, they grow these 'human' bodies from... nothing... and it's pretty much a human without a personality or life i guess. Well, I suppose that makes sense. But when they put the DNA in the body how does it change to look like that person again? Magic? Oh, so the facial structure magically changes to match that of the DNA doner and it just adjusts its weight and all those other pesky variables that make up what is called a human. I see, so it turns out that I'm the idiot here. Whoops, sorry everyone. But what about when the 'blank' clone comes alive and punches Arnie in the face? So they are actually alive without DNA or anything. So basically when they insert the DNA it just changes the clones personality and looks. I was also going to bring up the fact that these clones somehow have all the memories and such of the person they are a clone of, which happens to be incredibly impossible. But the geniuses who wrote it beat me to the punch. You see when they take the persons blood sample they also take a picture of that persons eyes................................................... So, I'm guessing the clone will eat that picture and gain all previous memories? Producer of The Sixth Gay, I mean Day
"So what if it doesn't make any sense! All I care about is my killer shades, the stuble on my chin, and my beautiful golden locks. Yes they are golden!"
It made it incredibly hard to enjoy this movie when my brain was constantly singing, "I'm smarter than the fucking retards who made this." over and over.
Wake up Arnold you've got a movie to do!I hate to ruin it for you but the twist at the end made me cringe with correctness. At the beginning of the movie I said, "Hey Ron Jobi, I bet it'll turn out that the Arnie we think is real is really the clone and the real Arnie is living his life normally." Guess what? I was right! The whole time we were watching the stupid clone run around trying to get his life back when it wasn't even his! He was going to kill the real Arnie! Stupid clone. Unfortunately if you were paying attention you could've figured this out anyways. For instance, here we are watching the real Arnie live his life. Right after the part where they think he dies how come he passes out for a while and wakes up in a cab? Could it be because he's a clone? No, he just likes to pass out every now and then.
It angers me greatly that I payed $6-$12 to watch this movie (depending on whether or not I scammed the theatre). After watching this I feel the theatre should have payed me. So from now on whenever I go see a movie I'm going to take stuff from the theatre until I feel that $6-$12 has been justly returned to my wallet.