This beer was purchased just because of its name. It claims to have "Pre-War Strength" yet there's only 5% alcohol. I call this a jip by the American pussies who make this beer and who can't drink anything higher than 4%. Another interesting fact is that the label on the neck said that it's made from "Choicest" materials. This may be a word but it sounds really stupid and Americans are stupid and they suck and they don't even like beer I bet. Anyways taste was pretty run of the mill. It comes in a nice clear bottle and the strange part is that under each cap is the name of a place or a date or something. We couldn't figure this one out but when you get really drunk you can piece together the caps like a mystery. We didn't get very far before we drank more and told stories about how strong we are. A teenaged drinker probably couldn't tell the difference between it and a Canadian. So unless you want to spend the night laughing about the name and solving mysteries and stuff try something else. |