So this Friday night, Neon Ghost and I rode Vampire Face to the movie theater. This makes us better then you stupid idiots because we don’t have to worry about parking, but makes us lesser because we had to ride a living breathing ugly farm yard monster. We went to see the summer block buster tomb raider, though it was more like the summer cock buster, as watching this movie is like Joe Louis upper cutting your brain right in the cock. You leave the theater feeling like the only successful "tomb raiding" was the $12.50 raided from your wallet. First of all, they failed to realize they had 2 crowds to appeal too, to be mentioned shortly. Obviously they weren't going to pull in anyone with any concept of the purpose of money, as they expect people to willingly pay over $12 to watch it. For 12 dollars you can fill up your car with enough gas to do doughnuts and wheelies for hours. For 12 dollars you could buy 30 pairs of basketball shoes from a big bin in Dixie-gypsy mall and have a new pair of shoes every day for a whole month. For 12 dollars you could sign your self up for Latin-dance and finally DO something with your stupid life. Or you could spend it on a two-hour movie, sitting next to some ghost who can't see projected light for some reason, and a stupid horse who keeps talking to you about how cool he is. |
Joe Louis held the world heavyweight boxing championship longer than any other man. He first won the title in 1937. Nicknamed the "Brown Bomber," he defended his title 25 times, scoring 20 knockouts. - Later I often called myself the brown bomber after I bombed the hell out of my toilet with poopies. |
Obviously they weren't going to pull in anyone in that valued story or plot, as it is a multimillion-dollar movie adaptation of a video game about an exaggerated breasted lady who goes on tomb raids. But they failed to see that. This is evident in plot sloppy parts of the movies where you find yourself whining, “Hold on, hold on now.... Laura, why aren’t you fighting a rock monster like in the commercial? Or singing that new U2 song? I feel tricked. How could you trick me lover?” But she does trick you. Tricks the $12.50 right out of your hands into the cleavage of her exaggerated breasts. Ahahahahahhahahahahhahaahaha! sorry. This movie is full of important characters that drop out of the movie
or turn into flowers, and takes place in a part of Europe here ordinary
logic and physics drive on the other side of the road. Ex. Apparently you can engage in martial arts combat after being stabbed in the heart.