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by Steve ''SKA-Diesel'' Cameron


My most recent level is dm Steel Zenith. Set in a futuristic structure, there are 5 enormous towers, which are connected via destructible walkways. I've had a lot of feed back on this level, and everyone who plays it loves it.

Next up is dm Ducks Drive By. Set in a remote urban area, there's loads to see here, and lots of secrets. There's buildings, a weapon shop, a bar, a complete sewer (complete with noisy duck). DDB is named after Duck of Death, who helped me test+ the level.

Dm Jerusalem is based on some of the buildings in Monty Pythons Life of Brian. Some nice secrets, and almost all buildings (except the temple) are destructible.

I made dm Body Count in 2 days flat. And its a very enjoyable level. There's some secret stuff, but its basically an arena style map.

Dm Lighthouse comes complete with islands, a house, a lighthouse, and secret underground layer (which hold some secret weapons).

Dm Satellite is a lot of fun to play. Its a small space station orbiting the Earth. Most weapons are available, but players with the rail gun will last longer.

My first ever released map was Diesel Death 1. Its a fully featured map, with movers, a skybox, decals, custom textures, details (glass), secrets and good gameplay. Not bad for my first map.