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The Battle for Leyte Gulf
 23-26 October 1944

United States Forces

CV = Fleet Aircraft-Carrier / CVL = Light Fleet Aircraft-Carrier / CVE = Escort Aircraft-Carrier
BB = Battleship / CA = Heavy Cruiser / CL = Light Cruiser / CLAA = Anti-aircraft Light Cruiser / DD = Destroyer
DE = Destroyer escort / PF = Frigate / PT = Motor Torpedo Boat

Seventh Fleet
[and Central Philippines Attack Force]
(as of 1600 24 October 1944)
  Seventh Fleet commanded by Vice Admiral T.C. Kincaid

The Seventh Fleet consisted of the amphibious forces for the Leyte operation and 
their close escorts, fire support ships, logistics support vessels etc.

It contained 738 ships as of 20 October 1944, the day of the initial landings on Leyte.

As of dawn on 24 October the fire support, escort and covering units of Seventh Fleet included the following -

6 Battleships (BB)

18 Escort Aircraft Carriers (CVE)

9 Cruisers (4 CA, 5 CL)

83 Destroyers (DD)

25 Destroyer Escorts (DE)

11 Frigates (PF)

44 Motor Torpedo Boats (PT)

Third Fleet
(at dawn 24 October 1944)
Commanded by - Admiral W.F. Halsey

Third Fleet consisted essentially of the Fast Carrier Task Force (Task Force 38) and its logistical support units.
Task Force 38 was officially under the tactical command of Vice Admiral Marc Mitscher, but Admiral Halsey in practice exercised tactical command of the Fast Carrier Force for much of the Leyte operation, by-passing Mitscher and giving his orders directly to the carrier group commanders.

Task Force 38
(The Fast Carrier Task Force)
 Commanded by Vice Admiral Marc Mitscher in carrier Lexington

This task force was composed of four separate carrier task groups, with a total strength of -

16 Fleet Aircraft-Carriers (8 CV,  8 CVL)

 6 Battleships  (BB)

15 Cruisers (6 CA,  6 CL,  3 CLAA)

 58 Destroyers (DD)

The four task groups which constituted Task Force were as follows -

Group One  (TG38.1)

(Vice Admiral John S. McCain)
3 CV  (Wasp, Hornet, Hancock)
2 CVL  (Cowpens, Monterey)
4 CA (Boston, Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City)
14 DD

 Group Two (TG38.2)

(Rear Admiral Gerald S. Bogan)

1 CV  (Intrepid)

2 CVL  (Independence,  Cabot)

2 BB  (Iowa,  New Jersey)

3 CL  (Biloxi,  Vincennes,  Miami)

16 DD

Group Three  (TG38.3)
(Rear Admiral Frederick C. Sherman)
2 CV  (Essex,  Lexington)

2 CVL  (Princeton,  Langley)

2 BB  (Massachusetts,  South Dakota)

3 CL  (Santa Fe,  Mobile,  Birmingham)

1 CLAA (Reno)

17 DD

Group Four  (TG38.4)

(Rear Admiral Ralph E. Davison)
2 CV  (Franklin,  Enterprise)

2 CVL  (San Jacinto,  Belleau Wood)

2 BB  (Washington,  Alabama)

2 CA  (New Orleans, Wichita)

11 DD

Leyte Gulf - a brief account of the battle

The Japanese Order of Battle

US Forces in more detail - the Third Fleet

US Forces in more detail - the Seventh Fleet

The US Fast Carrier Force

The Strange History of the USS Phoenix

Leyte Gulf - Links

Leyte Gulf - Index


   Main source for the above - 'History of United States Naval Operations in World War II' by S.E. Morison
- Volume XII 'Leyte' ( Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1963)