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K u l t O v A z a z e l
PA: For those who are not familiar with Kult Ov Azazel, give a brief description of the band, how you started, any previous band?
KoA: Azazel first started out as a project for me in '98 and I didn't get too much accomplished since I suck at programming drums. After a few months of frustration I decided it was time to make Azazel a full-fledged band. I met Xul who was doing the same thing I was doing and we decided to put both our ideas together and in April of '99 Azazel became a functioning entity. We haven't had the best luck with drummers and are in the process of seeking one out so to even mention them is worthless. We released our first self-released mCD in August of last year and it showed the ABM scene that we had come to destroy with the hate and vengeance that we possess. The split CD with Krieg will be out soon on Genocide Music and from that point on we will be making a name change to Kult Ov Azazel. We have had past problems with another "Azazel" and do not wish to be associated with them or any others from that point on.

PA: What kind of music would you describe yourself as? Main influences personally and musically?
KoA: My influences personally are Satanism, occult studies and hate for the herd of humanity. Musically my influences come from early 80's thrash/speed metal bands such as Destruction, Possessed, Sodom, Hellhammer, Venom and early 90's black metal as Beherit, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Blasphemy. There are too many bands from those periods that influence me that I could take up to much space, haha.

PA: What do you have to say about people who say Anton LaVey and his form of Satanism is not ideal with black metal?
KoA: People always trash shit and talk shit and it means nothing. Anton LaVey was a greedy man, more power to him. He was a true Satanist, I am very inspired by his writings and it may not inspire others but neither does hanging out in woods for me.

PA: When you handed me the MCD, I noticed around the baphomet were flies. I asked you what that meant because I am a dummy. Can you explain to other dummies what that is...Hence the MCD name "Order Of The Fly"
KoA:.haha. The flies inside the the baphomet are the picture of Beelzebub as his fly form hence Order of the Fly. It was an idea I developed one night and we may even possibly start a grotto named Order of the Fly for other like minded individuals within the BM community to exchange ideas and thoughts.

PA: That sounds excellent, keep us up to date on that actually. Are you involved in any other organizations besides CoS, speaking of that
KoA: No other organization deserves my involvement. Yes being that I am a member of the CoS we were linked

PA: Cider Jack, or Woodchuck?
KoA: I'd prefer tequila

PA: One of my fav songs from KoA is "forever heaven gone" can you tell me more about this...any interesting stories behind it?
KoA: Forever Heaven Gone was actually titled We want Jesus Dead. It's basically about the destruction of Christianity, since I don't write the lyrics except for one of the new songs I can't really expand on it more than that

PA: Speaking of the new songs, I heard a new one on the Of evil and hatred promo
KoA: That's the song I wrote

PA:...which also features chainsaw gutsfuck cover by mayhem
KoA: yes Mayhem!

PA: That is cool, I really like the new material, how is the new album shaping?
KoA: The new album is done and it's just a matter of time before this split CD will be released upon the black hordes of world. We are just waiting for our new logo to come and then it's done from there, I'm hoping it is released by August.

PA: Something that impresses me about your band is that you do a good amount of live shows. Who were some of your favorite bands you did shows with? Any humorous or interesting stories about them?
KoA: I have to say that the best show for us would have to be when we played with Angel Corpse and Krisiun. Those two bands I think absolutely rule for death metal, and I don't listen to but a handful of death metal. It was an honor to share the stage with 2 bands that are real people in my book. Great guys and it's a shame that the last Angel Corpse show was the one we opened for... We also played a show in Ft. Myers with Cryptic Winds and that show ruled as well. Lots of booze and blasphemy!

PA: I see you are opening up for the king, will you give him a CD?
KoA: Well it's not certain yet whether we are on that show or not. We have to submit a CD to King since he has to approve all local openers, so yes he will be given a CD, haha. Mercyful Fate has ruled me since I was a kid, it will be a great to open for the KING

PA: Haha that is great. Tell me what you think of the following bands...
MANOWAR? 80's muscle man metal KISS? Love their old shit up to The Elder and it's all down hill from there PROFANATICA? DETHRONE THE SON OF GOD, true Kult!

PA: Have you ever thought about doing any of the metalfests?
KoA: Of course we have but we don't have the money to do it. Hopefully next year now that we have a label backing us.

PA: ...speaking of that, how has your new label been treating you?
KoA: Pretty well. We will be going into the studio in the fall to record the full length for them. If all goes well we hope to go out as support for the new recording during spring of next year. This signing is definitely going to help us out a lot and I'm looking forward to hitting the road and hanging out with all the sick fucks that we have meet over the past year and half...especially you twisted fucks in Vukodlak!

PA: That fuckin kills, it was great hanging out with you in philly, really cool. What do you think of the ABM scene in general now? I think it is a supreme force to be reckoned with, slowly boiling with hatred and desecration that will burst supreme hellfire onto Europe and all who stand in our way of total anti Christian destruction!
KoA: I agree 100%! We have a lot of great black metal bands on American soil. The difference I think between ABM and other "forms" is that we just general have a hate for humanity. We are constantly surrounded by idiots and useless fucks so we can identify with real hate. That's what makes our scene so intense is that it is a true form of hate. Europe will definitely feel the full force of ABM and it will leave them all killed and left scattered by the blasphemies coming from our shores...Europe has yet to feel our wrath!


KoA: Hails to you Sedit for doing this interview! Good luck with your zine as well as Vukodlak. Anyone interested in any info regarding the Kult Ov Azazel can meanwhile contact us through until further notice. HAIL ABM! HAIL SATAN!