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N o c t u a r y
PAHungerZine: Mostly everyone in the scene has heard of your band Noctuary...but for those who have not yet heard of Noctuary before, describe your sound and why your project sticks out from other ABM Bands..
Noctuary: Noctuary is extreme black metal, heavily influenced by the early 80s metal scene. We all grew up listening to bands like Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, etc. And I think that we have that 80s metal spirit, which may set us apart from the other US Black metal hordes.

PAHungerZine: I think that is definitley true, that is a great aspect of your music, but i also want to talk to your part about the lyrics. "Where all agony prevails" and "...for salvation" follow a certain etheral, or personal torment in the lyrics..? Do you see that at all? Who write them , is it a collaboration? and will the new album be a new concept altogeather or possibly draw more upon the aspect of the "...for salvation" release..
Noctuary: Yeah, there's definitely a personal aspect to the lyrics. I actually have been writing all the lyrics so far. Most of them deal with death and the pain of loss. The new album is following a different sceme. The new one is actually more of a concept album dealing with armageddon. The first few lyrics are pretty straight-foward, but as the album progressive they become more meaningful and abstract,as the album "progresses" that is .

PAHungerZine: That sounds excellent, you can definitley see a progression of maturity lyric-wise with each release so I will be looking forward to that...which also leads me to the production, "where all agony prevails" is very barbaric and grim, while "...for salvation" is much more clearer and you can hear the melodies better, should we expect to hear a better production on the new album? or maybe you will be reverting back to the raw sound?
Noctuary: The new production is much better than that of For Salvation... The guitars are more powerful, the bass is audible, and the drums are "brutal" for lack of a better adjective. It's not really as polished as for salvation, it's more warm and in your face.

PAHungerZine: Great, one thing that I personally like about Noctuary is you have very "metal" riffs, as you mentioned before, very melodic in the vein of Iron Maiden, and Ozzy but you incorparate some INSANE drumming and very sick vocals, which are actually original...Will the music be always follow that concept, or are you trying to branch out and "evolve" as some other bands claim to have, (Mayhem, Dodheimsgard, etc.)
Noctuary: Thanks a lot... heh heh, we're always evolving as musicians and experimenting with new ideas, but we will never go as far as Mayhem, Dodheimsgard, etc. We're almost getting more metal influenced as time goes on. While incorporating some "different" drum beats and compositional ideas. More layering of the guitars too.

PAHungerZine: ...Now i want to talk to you about the scene. Your band has a great amount of respect within the ABM scene, how do you think the scene is evoloving? Better, worse? Also what are some new up and coming ABM bands that we should watch out for?
Noctuary: The scene is definitely growing. I think it's better, and worse in a way. We're starting to have a lot of killer bands coming out, but at the same time, a lot of 14 year old marilyn manson/cradle of filthers are starting bands, not really knowing what black metal is all about. Some killer bands with shit that just came out or coming out are Thornspawn, Black Witchery, Summon, Fallen Empire... and of course there are the other mighty US hordes like Krieg, Judas Iscariot, Sarcophagus, Yamatu, etc.

PAHungerZine: Yeah I agree with you on the previous statement...those bands will get crushed by the true hordes though! I know that you are playing Milwaukee Metalfest this year, as you did the year before...It will be great that people from all over the world will get to hear what ABM is really about...some others have played milwaukee like The Cold Beyond, Averse Sefarium, Evil Divine, Blood Coven, etc. How is Noctuary preparing for this? What can we expect live since for most it will be their first time seeing Noctuary..
Noctuary: It was a killer show. This year should be much better for us though. Last time we had two session members joining us from the California fecal horde, Impaled... and we didn't have any time to rehearse. Now we have a permanent line-up and we have plenty of time to practice and get tight before milwaukee. Expect to see 5ft of hair whipping around, and metal crushing mayhem!

PAHungerZine: That will be great you have had time to rehearse with a permanent lineup. Will your new CD "When Fires Breed Blood" be available at this show? Will you be playing some material off this new album? Also, I know Noctuary has done many tribute albums on Dwell (Venom, Motorhead, Metallica, & Wasp, am I missing any?) Will you be doing any of these covers live? IRON FIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noctuary: haha, we probably won't be doing any of the covers live... maybe the WASP one. We'll definitely be playing some material off the new album. We're hoping it'll be out by the fest, but we'll have to work hard on getting the layout done in a week or so. We'll probably only have 15 minutes or so to play... so, we'll try to get in as much shit as possible from the old and new.

PAHungerZine: Great...that is disapointing your set will be so short, will Noctuary be doing any tours soon, any inside info you can tell us?
Noctuary: We're working on getting some shows set up across the country. Nothing is set yet, but we're definitely going to make our way to other parts of the states in the next 6 months. Not much inside info right now... we just finished the recording to When Fires Breed Blood... we're really proud of the new album, and I think people who enjoyed the first will really like this one.

PAHungerZine: That will be fucking excellent...I am sure all your fans will be looking forward to this new release! One last thought...Any CABM bands worth mentioning? Thanks for your time, good luck with metalfest and the new album, Hail ABM!!!
Noctuary: There's some killer black metal bands from california, like Resusitator, Centuries of Deception, Sumeria, etc... there's some other obscure, extreme metal acts from here that rule too... like Impaled, Sadistic Intent, Blaphemy Divine and Ravens Over Gomorrah. Thanks a lot for the interview and the support man... Hails!!

PAHungerZine: Killer man, I will definitley be sure to keep an eye out for them, thanks for your time! -l-