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Earth Eden's Review On The Christadelphian's Booklet,

The Peace Movement

Clearly the duty of the disciple is to "seek peace, and pursue it" (Psalm 34:14; 1 Peter 3:11); to "follow peace with all men" (Hebrews 12:14; Romans 14:19); "as much as lieth in you, (to) live peaceably with all men" (Romans 12:18). But does the teaching of Jesus Christ suggest active involvement in a campaign for peace?"

WHAT?!? Jesus' WHOLE Gospel WAS 'A Campain For Peace'...Jesus IS "The Prince of PEACE"!

"Our responsibility to be peacemakers in the home, at work, or among the people we meet...-"

Or In a Public Park????

"The disciple of the twentieth century must be very cautious in claiming for himself the authority which his master exercised when he rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees, or overturned the tables of the moneychangers. Jesus' action, as the Son of God, was directed at abuses within the religious system, and in regard to his Father's house. He did not campaign for secular causes."

Again I Would Ask Then, Do YOU Think Jesus Stopping The Crowds From Stoning That Womem To Death Was A "Campain For a 'Secular' Cause"???

Should a Christian Protest?

"We cannot escape the conclusion that the same teaching of Jesus and his apostles which commands abstinence from violence."

I Would Agree With That.

"It also teaches that we can have no part in protest against authority."

But I Would NOT Agree With THAT! Was Not The Authority Of The Pharisees Behind Stoning That Women? Did Not Christ 'Get Involved' & Try And Stop It?

"Protest -- in any cause -- is an act of assertiveness: it is incompatible with discipleship."

That Is Purely An Opinion!

"However peaceable one's protest might be, however passive the demonstration, however humble the approach to those in authority, one's stance as a protester is that of a plaintiff who seeks to petition his lords and masters."

WHAT?!? Again 'WHO' Does The Bible Say IS "The god Of This System Of Things"? Satan. 1 Co 4:4!

Preaching the Kingdom

"Does the disciple do nothing, then, about the great distress of those around him? Even if he has no interest for himself, does not compassion compel him to raise his voice on behalf of those who have no say? Surely Christ himself would have spoken out? It is to this matter that we must return: it is the Lord's example which again is sufficient reason for our stance."

"Certainly Jesus relieved suffering where he saw it. He healed and comforted; so, too, did his followers. Just to preach the Gospel, giving no thought to the needs and circumstances of those to whom we preach, cannot be right. We cannot say, "Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled", without giving them "those things which are needful to the body" (James 2:16). But did Jesus or the apostles spend all their time ministering to the needy? There were countless sick who were not healed; 4,000 and then 5,000 were fed, but many times that number remained hungry (and even those fed were just as hungry again the next day!). Ultimately, good works have to give way to the preaching of the Gospel, "for therefore am I sent" (Luke 4:43)."

What?!? I Am Not Sure I Follow. Are They Saying One Can 'NOT' Preach The Kingdom 'AND' Work For Social Justice 'BOTH' At The 'Same' Time? But Rather One MUST Choose Between One Or The Other? Why Not? Why Can One Not Combined Both?

"Yes, Jesus denounced the rulers of his day; he rebuked them for their hypocrisy, for grinding the faces of the poor, for lining their own pockets. But he was denouncing them as religious leaders, as shepherds of the flock of Israel -- where plainly they had failed. He did not denounce the poiltical leaders."


Then What Is The Book Of Revelations About? Remember The Beast And The Whore? Babylon? WHO Is The Beast And WHO Is The Whore? The Bible Tells Us Plainly That The Beast And the Whore Represent The UnGodly Religious Leaders Greedy Merchants..AND.."The Corrupt Secular Authorities Of This Present Imprefect System Of Things!"

Read YOUR Bible And See For Yourself Who Babylon Is! Revelations Chapters 16,17, And 18! It Surely DOES Include Political Leaders!!!!

Jesus did not suggest equality of opportunity, or human rights. Rather, his counsel was to accept conditions as they found them: "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven".

Oh Is That Right? What Of The Story AGAIN Of Jesus Stopping The Women From Being Stoned To Death? I Believe That WAS A Situation Of 'Human Rights'! Jesus May NOT Have Been Political But He Ceratinly WAS FOR 'Human Rights'! Read YOUR Bible! See Galatians 3:28!!!!

God's "Rights"

"The Bible, in fact, has all the answers to man's problems. It is because the vast majority of people ignore it and try to use their own judgement on moral issues that the necessity for and the "rights" of protest movements have arisen. This is clearly a perilous road to travel. It has brought us into an age of promiscuity and violence. There are millions of broken homes throughout the world and even more bewildered children cast upon the sea of their parents' self indulgence. Undoubtedly there are worse things to come. God's rights have been abandoned and human rights have replaced them, disastrously so."

No! God's Rights Have Been Abandoned... And 'THAT' IS WHY Human Rights Have Been Abandoned! Again See Gal 3:28!!!!

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