Ojai, commonly known as “Shangri La” (based on Frank Capra’s Lost Horizon’s film,) is located about 85 miles north of Los Angeles. The name Ojai comes from the Chumash language and means “The Moon” or “Bird’s Nest.” It’s a truly spiritual place often categorized with Sedona, Arizona and Santa Fe, New Mexico. A melting pot consisting of performers from the stage and screen, world renown artisans, hippies young and old, transfer students, small town folks and big-city transplants. This land of art galleries, rustic retreats, top rated spas, quaint boutiques and restaurants proudly welcomes locals and out of towners for their many events such as the annual tennis tournament, music, screenwriters and film festivals. But October in Ojai is particularly magical -- October in Ojai suggests the end of summer and the arrival of Ojai Day.
Ojai has some outstanding paved bike trails that start at Fox street, runs through Libby Park which is lined with a lovely canopy of Oak trees, into Oak View, to Foster Park and connect to Ventura's beach. Above picute, bottom right is the Ojai Drum Circle that meets at Ojai's Libby Park around the water fountain area from 1pm to 4pm every Sunday. Ojai is a great hippie meca with two great natural food stores, Rainbow Bridge and The Farmer & The Cook. Both offer great bakery items! Farmer & The Cook has live folk music Friday throu Sunday evenings started at 6pm!