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Wellcome to my BRIDGE page

In my page i will try simply introduce you 5 Card Majors system that i am currently using.

If you have any suggestion please let me know!

I will use M = Majors   ;  m = minors ; NT =No Trump ; S = spades ; H = hearts ; D = diamonds ; C = clubs ; P = pass ; DBL =double ; RDBL = redouble ;RKCB = Roman Key Card Blackwood ; BLW = Blackwood ; N =north ; S =south ; E =east ; W =west ;V =vulnerable (red) ;

NV = non-vulnerable (white) ; HCP = High Card Points ( As=4,King=3,Quin=2,Jack=1 points)

I will use (...) as opposing bidder ,ie 1H(1S)2H(2S)... or 1C(DBL)1S(RDBL)... or 1C(P)2C(P)

I am not using Distributional Point Valuation , I use HCP, my system is simple but effective.Online Bridge playing with occasional partners doesn't allow  much Distributional Valuation which causes misunderstandings.


Describing our hand to show Shape and Strength.Pass is a bid.

*Opening with a Major 12 - 19 HCP

0-11 HCP --------->P

12-19 HCP --------5 card S --------> 1S

12-19 HCP --------5 card H--------> 1H

12-19 HCP --------5card S + 5 card H -------->1S {open expensive color}

12-19 HCP --------6card M+ 5 card M---------> 6 card M {longer color}

*Opening with a minor 12-19 HCP

{ No 5 card M in hand ,5m+5m and 6m+6m open expensive color , 5M+6m with more HCP in m suit open m}

0-11 HCP --------->P

12-19 HCP-------->1m {longer m}

12-19 HCP-------->1D {4D+4C open expensive color}

12-19 HCP-------->1C 3+card C {3D+3C open cheap color}

*Opening with 1NT 16-18 HCP

{No 5 card M,may be 5 card m 4-3-3-3;4-4-3-2;5-3-3-2 Balanced hands.No void ,no singleton and no more than 1 doubleton color} With 16-18 HCP and 5card M in hand,

open 1M than rebid

2NT saying partner "I have 5card M but I have also 16-18 HCP" .

*Opening with 2NT 20-22 HCP

{No 5 card M, Balanced hands}

*Opening with 2C

23+ HCP

*Opening Weak 2D Multi

------>6-11 HCP 6card M{S or H} Weak -OR- 20-22 HCP Strong, 5+ card M but no void or singleton{Not open 2D Weak with 6card M+4card M,sometimes adjusting HCP count as5-11 HCP NV and 8-11 HCP V}

*Opening Weak 2S

------>6-11 HCP 5 card S + 5 card m {sometimes adjusting HCP count as5-11 HCP NV and 8-11 HCP V}

*Opening Weak 2H

----->6-11 HCP 5 card H + 5 card another suit {sometimes adjusting HCP count as5-11 HCP NV and 8-11 HCP V}

*Opening Preemptive 3S,3H,3D,3C

----->No opening values with 3 High Card in long suit 6 card or 2 High Card in long suit 7 card {using rule 20 at first and second seat that if my HCP + longest two suits reaches at count 20 or more I open my longest suit at 1 level}

*Opening Preemptive 4S,4H,4D,4C

----->No opening values with 3 High Card in long suit 7 card or 2 High Card in long suit 8 card {using rule 20 at first and second seat that if my HCP + longest two suits reaches at count 20 or more I open my longest suit at 1 level}

/For Preemptive openings; I'm also using Loosing Trick Count that if i will go down more than - 2 V or -3 NV ,I don't preempt.

Responding to Opener

Aiming to find a fit of total 8 cards with partner and if fit is found show him immediately and if there is no fit, bidding to show our hand Shape and Strength. Pass is a bid.

Responding to Major suit Openings

1S or 1H--------> ?

* 0-5 HCP------> P

*6-9 HCP------->1NT 0-2card of opened M, no fit , Balanced hand 4-3-3-3;4-4-3-2;5-3-3-2 shape

*10-12 HCP---->2NT 0-2card of opened M, no fit, Balanced hand

*13-15 HCP---->3NT 0-2card of opened M, no fit, Balanced hand

*18 HCP-------->4NT Quantitative {raise with HCP}

*6-9 HCP------->2M 3+ card of opened M suit fit found

*10-12 HCP---->3M 3+ card of opened M suit fit found

*13-15 HCP---->4M 3+ card of opened M suit fit found

*to opening of 1H--->1S 5-15 HCP and 4+card S

*to opening of 1H--->2S 16 + HCP and 5+card S

*to opening of 1H--->3S 16 + HCP 4+card H fit found Splinter

*to opening of 1H--->4C 17 + HCP 4+card H fit found, No S control but controlling C

*to opening of 1H--->4D 17 + HCP 4+card H fit found, No S control,No C control but controlling D

*to opening of 1M--->2m 11 + HCP and 5+card of that m suit

*to opening of 1S--->2m or 2H 11 + HCP and 5 + card of H or 5+card of that m suit

*to opening of 1S--->3H or 3m 4-7 HCP and 7 + card of that suit with some trump support{HCP's are mostly in bidded suits}

*to opening of 1S--->4C,4D,4H 16+HCP fit found, Unbalanced Shape OR 17 + HCP fit found Balanced Shape showing control in bidded suit

*19+ HCP----->2M or 2m of 4+ card than show real strength in next round{change color Forcing}

Responding to minor suit Openings

1C or 1D --------> ?


*5-15HCP------>1M 4+card M

1S 4 card S and/or 4 card H with 4-4-4-1 Shape {cheap color first}

*6-9 HCP------->1NT No 4 card Major suit available Balanced Shape

*10-12 HCP---->2NT No 4 card Major suit available Balanced Shape

*13-15 HCP---->3NT No 4 card Major suit available Balanced Shape

*6-10 HCP----->2m with 5+ card fit in opened minor

*11-12 HCP--->3m with 5+ card fit in opened minor

*18 HCP------->4m fit found asking RKCB{33 HCP needed in two hands for Slam ,4NT RKCB asking may create problems in minor suits if thre no enough Ace}, i.e opened 1C------>response 4C is RKCB due to the fit:Trump suit is Clubs. Opened 1D--------> response 4D is RKCB trump is Diamonds.


4D [ 0 - 3 Aces] Not :Trump King is counted as Ace so giving count for 5 Aces

4H [ 1 - 4 Aces]

4S [ 0 - 2 Aces Without Trump Queen]

4NT [ 0 - 2 Aces With Trump Queen]


4H [ 0 - 3 Aces] Not :Trump King is counted as Ace so giving count for 5 Aces

4S [ 1 - 4 Aces]

4NT [ 0 - 2 Aces Without Trump Queen]

5C [ 0 - 2 Aces With Trump Queen]

*18 HCP-------->4NT Quantitative {raise with HCP , Opener Pass with 12-13 HCP minimum hand}

*opened 1C---->2D or 2M 16+ HCP and 5+card in bidded suit

*opened 1D---->2M 16+ HCP and 5+card in bidded suit

3C 16+ HCP and 5+card in C

Responding to 1NT Openings

1NT--------> ?

*0-6 HCP------->P {No 5 card M}

*7-8 HCP------->2NT Invitation, Balanced Shape

*9-14 HCP------>3NT Game probably, Balanced Shape

*15-16 HCP----->4NT Quantitative

*17-18 HCP----->6NT Slam

*19-20 HCP----->5NT Grand Slam Invitation

*8+ HCP--------->2C Stayman 4+ card M or 4S & 4H or 5M & 4M........

*0+ HCP--------->2D Transfer 5+card H .Opener Must Rebid 2H.

2H Transfer 5+card S.Opener Must Rebid 2S.

*9+ HCP--------->4D Texas Transfer 6+card H .Opener Must Rebid 4H.

4H Texas Transfer 6+card S .Opener Must Rebid 4S

*4-6 HCP-------->3C 6+ card C Weak Hand.

3D 6+ card DWeak Hand.

*13+ HCP------->2S 5m&5m or long, Game Forcing,Looking for Slam

*14+ HCP------->3H 6+ card C Slam Invitation

4S 6+ card D Slam Invitation

Responding to 2NT Openings

2NT--------> ? Alike to 1NT responses but HCP requirements must lowered for sure{Stayman 3C,Transfers 3D,3H and others are bid for 25 HCP Game in M's,28HCP Game in m's,33 HCP Slam,37 HCP G.Slam requirements}

Responding to 2C Openings

2C--------> ?

*0-8 HCP------->2D Negative

*9+ HCP-------->2NT

Responding to 2D Openings

2D--------> ?

*0-12 HCP------>2H Automatic response

*13+ HCP------->2NT Asking Relay

*5-11 HCP------>3D Weak Hand , 6card but some values in suit OR 7 card suit

*15+ HCP------->4H Must be 3 card S& 3 card H

*13-15 HCP----->2S S is Short Saying to Partner"If you opened with weak S please Pass,or correct back to H".

Responding Preemptor

I mostly keep quiet if I don't have opening values or some special hand usefull for partner.


Odd-Even (Roman) Discarding

Odd card means "I like suit" ; Even card "I don't like the suit you lead".

Small even card(2,4,{6})is a request to shift for the Lower Rank Suit apart from Trump Suit.

High even card ({6},8,10)is a request to shift for the Higher Rank Suit apart from Trump Suit.

Every card we give to opponents card that we can not overtake is an appeal.

To Give Count

Leading 4th best for NT Contracts (Rule 11)

Leading 3rd best for Trump Contracts (Rule 12)

Giving 4th of the suit Leaded for NT contracts (Rule 11)

Giving 3rd of the suit Leaded for trump contracts (Rule 12)

Leading Ace is asking partner ; to give relatively high card is promising

Leading King is to want count; give 3rd of suit(rule 12)

Transfers And Some Conventions

Multi 2 Diamond

2 Club Strong ,Stayman ,Smolen ,Checkback Stayman


Slam Going



My Favorite Web Sites

Internet Bridge Club
Polish Online Bridge
Bridge Base Online
Systems and Conventions
More Systems
Jim Loy's Bridge Page
Daniel's Systems Page
Shelagh Paulsson's web site
SAYC and 2o1
Galerie de Champions de Bridge
World Bridge Fed
Gee Chronicles
The N Y Times Bridge By ALAN TRUSCOTT
Dick Olson's Home Page
BridgeToday University
Portal of every aspects of bridge game
Aggressive Bidding