This is the best site for current rankings of countries on gender balance. With the exception of the top-ranked nations, this is an embarrassing roster of shame that this and similar emails, faxes and your consciousness will now remedy. It does have the advantage of showing people in complacent and often poorly informed (genderist corporate media) but influential mostly-monogenderments, like the US, England, and Japan, how far behind they are in balanced humanity and true government as a way of galvanizing them to move foward to gender balance and true governement posthaste. For listings and rankings of many global political parties that are achieving gender balance, visit and see some of those that have reached the levels needed to bring at least 75%-balance into office for true government.
a href="
These sites offer gender equality reports on gender partnership progress around the world, and encouragement of women to enter office, by both men and women.. They are excellent resources although some tend to focus more on isolationist, "uphill" nationality-bound activities instead of the importance of asserting a defined world-human standard and sense of world human entitlement and multinational synergy. Some have not sufficiently expressed public concern about backsliding at the UUMM and the need for gender galvanization from the IPU and tgos (true government organizations, previously called non-government organizations before so many current regimes were accurately terms mostly-monogenderments, and not true governments).
Because of this, for example, WEDO and CLD's excellent coverage of the very fine 50/50 program has slightly (but dangerously, in our terrorized and military-weaponized world) overestimated the timetable of transition because they have not yet realized powerful mechanisms of fast, nearly immediate interconnected outreach telecommunication in their approach, which will fulfill their mandate in weeks. But, its assumed that will be corrected by this and related messages, and activists within these excellent organizations will lead the way. To their great credit, all these sites have debunked "quota phobia", the irrational failure to share a numerical and measurable standard of gender presence as a definition of functional true government, that has become the hallmark of coopted, tokenized women politicos ironically subsisting within certian mostly monogenderments like the England and the US.
In these countries, for example, women have for some time been a majority of the population and own much of its wealth and consumer clout, but because they have not focussed on the numbers that reflect representation, their political power has been taken for granted and coopted by male political bosses of their mostly-monogenderment, and they daily tolerate being severely unrepresented. Because women are so important to these economies, even the hint of a little applied public truthforce on the issue of at least-75% gender balance, will quickly tip their countries into true government that meets the at-least 75%-balanced and representatitve definition very rapidly. (see some of the sites below on how easily this hint of clout can be applied). The problem in these countries has not been lack of power, but unnecessrily self-limiting leadership.
On this topic, a fairly few prominent women have become temporarily self-trapped in narcissistically gratifying political gender-tokenism acceptable to monogender-controlled political parties and their associated funders, These are aging girl guests at mostly monogender "political bachelor parties" and queen bees of all women "nationalist dominatrix hierarchies" (women's organizations that are too busy worrying about membership funds and lobbying on monogender-defined legislative crumbs to coordinate with the women of the world on the fulcrum issue of gender balance in true government, even though it could solve the panopoly of other political issues they raise funds to lobby monogenderments about). These misdirected but redeemable women's leaders have sadly begun to rely upon masculine-mode-imitation and legitimization of too slow gradualist 'realpolitic', simply because they are still underestimating the power of personal participation in open internet forums, for example. But this unwittingly traps them deeper in self-victimization. This site gives several humorous examples of this problem, and ways out of it.
These pages announce and name a provisional gender balanced world political and economic true leadership and mechanisms which we have referred to as interim emergency true government in this message. The home page of this site offers many features to ease a quick transition, It overcomes an overemphasis on merely within-nation focus, to achieve a global energy on gender truth and real democracy that will reflect itself in every literate land and jurisdiction. It also properly highlights a plan for a newly reformed former UN (now held accountable for its failure on gender and called the UUMM - Unsuccessful Unbalanced Mostly-Monogenderment) with the IPU (International Parliamentary Union) gender partners, to achieve a world process of gender truth and reconciliation that will heal racial and ethnic wounds as well.
This is an example of how to remind all of the power of women's numbers. This page tells of World Economic Strike of women and pro-fairness men, rather successful but not reported in monogender "madia". Very rapid telecommunication of the gender balance message may make strikes and boycotts unnecessary. But the rather easy feasability of such non-violent methods of insisting on change remain everpresent, and is a very powerful incentive to change, if wise words and telecommunication are not speedily effective in and of themselves. Therefore, its helpful to let others know this occurred, and can occur again, anywhere and everywhere. Use telecommunication sharing and outreach to communicate about this with others,
Similarly, this site describes a global economic boycott on consumer purchasing and investment, using a numerical standard that holds dishonest, self-deluding mostly monogender-board-run corporations (including television and radio major media) accountable for the gender and ethical corruption of monogenderments. This page is an excellent resource, even if the gender balance standard (33% minimum of each gender) is slightly too low to fully respect the concept of a passingly adequate level of representation for reliable earth preservation. Copy it to others with the added recommendation that the concept should be implemented, but the standard be raised to 37.5% of each gender, or 75%-balanced.
The most comprehensive links and ideas are among:
and the massive Parline database of the InterParliamentary Union at
which will point the way to the whole host of links necessary to connect
with, inform share and mutually empower as beacons to people everywhere.
Remember, pages and sections of these websites can be easily copied and telecommunicated.