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Calling All Visual Artists!!!

Art That Heals, Inc. presents "Art Swap", an original program for artists.

Co-Hosted by the Edinburg Public Library


Art That Heals, Inc. invites you to join other artists for an opportunity to trade artwork with one another on November 13, 2004 from 11 to 2 at the Edinburg Public Library.NOTE:  THIS REPRESENTS A DATE CHANGE FROM NOV. 6 TO NOV. 13!  THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION.

Each artist is encouraged to bring two of their best pieces to trade with other artists for their work.  Painters, photographers, jewelry makers, sculptures, potters, and other visual artists will be invited to participate in this event.  There is no limit on size or genre.

Each artist and his/her work will be registered.  Each trade will be on a one-to-one basis.  "You walk in with two pieces and you walk out with two pieces."


Members of the press/media are wclcome throughout the event.

Art That Heals, Inc. presents

“Art Swap” An Original Program

Co-Hosted by the Edinburg Public Library

Saturday, November 13, 2004

11 a.m.—2 p.m. * Edinburg Public Library

401 E. Cano * Edinburg, TX

Trade Artwork/Discuss Business of Art

Participants will bring two pieces of artwork to trade/network with other artists—all genres & sizes.

Art gallery owner will discuss Business of Art.

Free Admission & Refreshments

Note:  no guarantee of trade.

Daniel @ (956) 358-7211 * RSVP Requested


    "The idea for this event came from a magazine article I read about a 'seed swap' among gardeners," said Daniel Garcia Ordaz, one of the founders of Art That Heals, Inc.  "As long as the artists in the Valley are willing to continue coming together to exchange ideas and give each other support, we are planning to make 'Art Swap' a regularly scheduled event."

"Art Swap is an activity we are planning as a way of getting artists together for the purpose of interaction and education," said Garcia.  "We propose to ask artists to bring two pieces of art which they will be able to display and then trade (on a one-for-one basis) for other artwork.  Some artists may leave with their own work, but our hope is that everyone will be able to trade at least one piece."

This activity furthers our exempt purpose of charity by promoting education and by promoting the arts and by encouraging cultural literacy.

We will also invite a guest speaker or two to discuss the business aspects of being an artist.  For example, we may have a gallery director discuss opportunities for curating shows as well as the normal commissions or fees galleries may charge artists for displaying their work.  Another guest speaker, such as a public relations professional might discuss with artists pertinent marketing ideas to help artists gain more recognition or garner more sales.

Matilde Caseres-Zelinger of Micze Design Studio will be a guest speaker.  She will be discussing marketing strategies, with a focus on online art sales, auctions, and promotion.

We will not charge artists (Free Admission) but only request a canned food for distribution to food pantries.

We will have artists register themselves and their artwork.  The artists will be able to display their works and also talk to their peers about their work.  The culmination of the activity will be when actual trades begin towards the end of the event.

TO RSVP/PRE-REGISTER, CALL DANIEL WITH OR E-MAIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:  Artist's Name; Phone Number and/or E-mail address; Mailing address (optional); Name of each piece; Size/Dimensions of each piece; Brief Description of each piece; Price (nothing will be bought or sold at the Art Swap, but this [optional] information will help give other artists information about your work and ideas about how to price their own).

"This activity will give artists a chance to meet one another in an interactive and non-threatening way and to exchange information and hopefully make lasting relationships which they can nurture outside this setting," said Garcia.  "It will give artists who do not normally buy artwork due to lack of funds an opportunity to own other artists’s works and vice versa, which will help build a feeling of community and respect among local artists.  Finally, they will gain new information in respect to business practices regarding art, which, we have observed, is lacking in many artist circles in general including in this area.  While most gallery owners and directors are quite respectable, we hope that by including the “business of art” sessions the knowledge imparted by the professional guests will prove helpful to many in guiding their budding or established careers."

Finally, Art That Heals, Inc. will also be able to interact with artists to continue learning their needs and abilities and how we might encourage their important work.  Artists are encouraged to bring their portfolios, business cards, small display tables/display panels (to be shared by other artists), and information about upcoming openings/shows/exhibits to share with other artists.

Art That Heals, Inc. is looking to sponsor other "ART SWAP" events in the future--depending on the response we get from artists in the community--from both sides of the border.  We are also planning a "Youth ART SWAP" in the near future and need to build our list of presenters from the community at large to serve as speakers at the event.  (For the youth event (for youth only) we will be inviting institutes of higher learning to speak to the young artists about their respective personal experience in art education as well as the opportunities available from their respective local colleges and universities.

If you would like to serve as a presenter/guest speaker, please contact Daniel at (956) 358-7211 or e-mail .  We are looking for gallery owners/directors, museum owners/directors (open to displaying artwork), well-established professional artists; also we are looking for lawyers (to present on the legal aspects of contracts and other topics of interest to visual artists, such as copyright info, and other legal protection issues).  Professionals in the area of marketing/promotion/public relations are welcome to present on the topics of marketing and promoting solutions for the arts and individual artists.  Any other community professional who thinks artists would benefit from their presentation(s) are welcome to contact Art That Heals, Inc. as well.

If you would like to host an "Art Swap" by offering a building with adequate gallery/display space (or an open room) please contact us as well.  We are hoping to sponsor other "Art Swap" activities in other parts of the Rio Grande Valley.  At the same time we will continue to sponsor some at the Edinburg Public Library--whose library director and staff are great supporters of the arts.  Thanks Letty & Adolfo!

"Art Swap" Schedule:

REGISTRATION & SET-UP:  11:00--11:30

LUNCH:  12:00--1:00Bring a sack lunch.  Snacks and drinks will be provided.

GUEST SPEAKERS:  12:15--1:00

TRADE/CHECK-OUT:  1:30--2:00.

CLEAN-UP:  2:00  (Library closes at 3 p.m.)

For more information about the library, contact Asst. Library Director, Adolfo Garcia at 383-6246 or e-mail him at


Artist's Name:

Phone Number and/or E-mail address:

Mailing address (optional):

Name of each piece: 

Size/Dimensions of each piece: 

Brief Description of each piece:

Price of each piece (optional):

"The mission of Art That Heals, Inc. is to encourage cultural literacy in the Rio Grande Valley by promoting the arts and to use art to help bring an end to the AIDS pandemic."

© 2004 by Art That Heals, Inc.

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