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In the meantime, here is a pirate princess story to tide you over.

Pirate Princess and the wreck of the witch ship –

On one cold, blustery morning on Vivian Bay, a ship sailed ‘round to doom. Loaded with passengers headed for the recreational Jarvan Hot Springs, the ship was Set upon by the worst of all pirate vessels, the Dread Ilak, main ship of the fleet Of the Pirate Princess. All aboard were killed, including a well dressed woman wearing A pentagonal necklace and a pouch of magical herbs underneath her garments. All jewels were Collected, as was gold and silver and the strange glass monies of the northern land, and The ship was sank. The booty was placed in a chest and hauled aboard the Ilak.

As the pirates returned to their jungle hideaway, a strange light rose from the roiling, bubbling Sinking ship and floated across the bay. Many of the crew saw it, including the Princess. Some were Afraid and cursed the light, telling their captain to toss the booty overboard to quell the Restless spirits. The Princess said nothing. The light vanished.

Still, when they got back to their hideaway, the booty was not divided as it had been so Many times before. “This chest shall remain closed until I deem it necessary to open,” stated the Princess. “Anyone who goes against this order shall answer to the demons themselves, and I will do nothing to save you.” Some non-superstitious pirates grumbled, but none went against the orders of the Princess.

Months passed, until one day a bird came with a note attached to its leg. It was a request from a land lubber to see the Princess in regards to a passenger killed on her way to Jarvan Hot Springs. The Princess sent word for the visitor to meet her on her own territory, and soon a small dinghy floated in to the shore, carrying a young, dark man. He told of his bride, a lovely severe lady wearing all green who had been lost at sea. Since there had been no storms, pirates had been suspected. Though drawn and pale, the man was respectful to the Princess and so she lead him to the treasure chest that had not been opened for months. She had him open it and he soon found the pentagonal necklace. He took only it and a few rings. Then, without a word, he got in his boat and rowed away. The crew of the Princess drew close as she said, “This booty is ours now, the witch’s spirit will rest and will not harm any of us. She has been freed, and her spirit has decided to go with him, not curse us.”