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Goulds Bibliography.


It needs a lot of corrections as it is scanned.  I do not look forward to the task.  Any volunteers?

I suppose I will get it done one day.

It is offered here as a start.

THE TOP Bibliography

1. ADRY, J. F. Dictionnaire des Jeux. Paris: H. Barbou, 1807. pp. 259-79.

-19. BARus, C. "A Curve-tracing Top." Science, New series, Vol.

(Good for names of tops.) 4 (1896), pp. 444 46.

2. "Aerial Top." Scientific American, Vol. 64 (1891), p. 377. -20. -. -Mathematical Theory of the Top." Science, Vol.

3. ALLEMAGNE, HENRY RENI~ D'. Histoire des Jouets. Paris: 14 (December 20, 1901).

Hachette, 1902. 21. BAsIL (ST. BAsILIUS). See GiET, 8.

4. _. Les Jouets d la World's Fair en 1904 4 Saint-Louis 22. BAYLE-MOUILLmm, ELWABETH F. Nouveau Manuel Complet.

(U-S). Paris: Chez I'auteur, 1908. Jeux de Soci~t~. Paris: Roret, 1846. (Concerns the yo-yo and

5. -. Sports et Jeux d'Address. Paris: Hachette, 1908. diavolo.)

6. ANDREE, RicHARD. Ethnographische Parallelen und Ver- 23. BEAGLEHOLE, E. and P. -Ethnology of Pukapuka (Cook Is

gleiche. Leipzig: Veit, 1889. land)." Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin, No. 150, Hono

7. -. 'Mas Kreiselspielen," Globus, Vol. 69 (1896), p. 371. lulu, 1938. (Brief and of minor interest.)

8. Annali dell'Instituto di Correspondenza Archaeologic -24. BFAm, J. W. -Rotors Driven by Light-Pressure." Physical

(1852), Plate Q. Review, Vol. 72 (1947), p. 987.

9. ARISKA, YOTARO. History of Japanese Toys (in Japanese 25. BLART, CH. Jeux et Jouets de I'Ouest Africain. Vol. 1.

script). Tokyo: Kensetsusha, 1935. Dakar: IFAN, 1955, pp. 377-86.

10. ARNiNG, EDuARD. Ethnographische Notizen aus Hawaii, 26. BECQ DE FouQuAREs, Louis. Les Jeux des Anciens. Paris:

1883-86; Mitteilungen fuer Voelkerkunde in Hamburg, Vol. Didier, 1873.

16; Hamburg: Friederichsen, de Gruyter und Co., 1931. 27. BEEcymAN, IsAAC. journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de

11. AUBOYER, JEANNINE. La Vie Publique et Priv~e dans I'Inde 1604 it 1634. 4 vols. La Haye: Nijholf, 1939.

Ancienne. Vol. 6. Les Jetix et les Jouets. Paris: Press Uni- 28. B1Fix E, GUILLAUME. Jeux des Adolescents. Paris: Hachette,

versitaires de France, 1955. 1879.

12. AUFENANGER, HEINRicH. Anthropos, Vol. 53 (1958), p. 582.

29. BENNDORF, O-rro. Griechischer und Sicilische Vasenbilder.

(New Guinea) Berlin: Guttentag, 1877. Plate 320. (Yo-yo.)

-13. AYRTON, M. C~LIN. Childlife in japan. New York: D. C. -30. BENSON, J. K. Book of Sports and Pastimes. London: C.

Heath, 1901. Arthur Pearson, 1907. p

-14. BAiLEY, CARoLYN S. Tops and Whistles. True Stories of -31. BFsT, ELDON. ---Maori Games." Transactions and'Proceed

F5arly American Toys and Children. New York: Viking, ings of the New Zealand Institute, Vol. 34 (1901), pp. 55-58.




THE TOP Bibliography


-311. SKEAT, W. W. Malay Magic. New York: Barnes & Noble, p. 506; John H. Rowe, "Inca Culture at the Time of the

1966, p. 485. Spanish Conquest,- Vol. 2, p. 277; Alfred Metraux, "Tribes

-312. SMITH, A. "Note on the Theory of the Spinning Top." of the Eastern Slopes of the Andes,- Vol. 3, p. 501; David B.

Cambridge Mathematical journal, Vol. 1 (1846), pp. 47-48. Stout, "The Choco," Vol. 4, p. 274;---Gamesand Gambling,

-313. SMITH, CECIL H. Catalog of Vases in the British Museum, Vol. 5, pp. 505, 510.

Vol. 3. London: British Museum, 1896, pp. 366-367. (Magic -324. STIRLING, EDwARD C. "Report of Work on Horne Scientific

wheel; see also Dumont and Chaplain.) Expedition to Central Australia. Part IV!' Anthropology.

,314. SNELL, E. S. "The Rotoscope." Annual Report, Smithsonian London: Dulau, 1896, p. 86.

Institution, 1885, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute, -325. STRUIT, JOSEPH. Sports and Pastimes of the People of Eng

p. 157. (Type of gyroscope; see also JOHNSON, W. R.) land. London: Methuen & Co., 1903.

-315. SOLis-CoHEN, EMILY, JR. Hanukkah. Philadel p hia: Jewish -326. "Support; Handle to Hold Top." Popular Mechanics, Vol.

Publication Society of America, 1937. (Puppet play, The 73 (June 1940), p. 929.

Magic Top, with Mary Garson as co-author.) ~327. SUTTON-SmiTH, BRiAN. Games of New Zealand Children.

-316. SONOBE, KiYOSHI (photos), AND SAKAmoTo, KAzUYA (text). Folklore Studies 12. Berkeley: University of California Press,

Japanese Toys. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1965. (Excellent pre- 1959.

sentation.) -328. SYNGE, J. L.---Ona Case of Instability Produced by Rota-

-317. SPINNA (PSEUD). Fifty New Tricks for all Kinds of Looped tion." Philosophical Mt~gazine, Vol. 43 (1952), pp. 724-28.

String Tops. London: Gordon Press, 1932. (Yo-yo.) (Mathematical.)

318. STAmKART, F. J. "Ueber die Bewegung eines Kreisel um -329. SwiNBuRNE, J. "How a Top Stands Up." Scientific Ameri

seine Spitze.---Annalen Physik und Chemie, Vol. 91 (1854), can Supplement 80 (September 25, 1915), p. 197. (Green

field adds comment.)

pp. 462~81. (Mathematical.) ---330. TALcoTT, Lucy. ---Vasesand Kalos-names from an Agora

-319. STARR, FREDERIcK. 'japanese Toys and Toy-Collectors." Well." Hesperia, Vol. 5 (1936), p. 333.

Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 2nd series, A31. TAYLoR, EvA G., AND RiCHEY, M. W. The Geometrical Sea

Vol. 3 (December 1926), pp. 101-16. (Disappointing

man. Cambridge: Hollis & Carter, 1962. (Discusses John

... tops, we but mention them.") Serson.)

-320. STEELE, J. L. "Top Topics." Outing, Vol. 40 (May 1902), -332. TAYLoR, RicHARD. Te Ika A Maui, or New Zealand and its

pp. 231-34. (Newsy discussion.) Inhabitants. London: Wertheim & Macintosh, 1885.

321. STELLA, JAcQuEs. Les Jeux et Plaisirs dEnfance. Paris: C. 333. TELLKAMP, HERMANN. "Versuch zur Begruendung einer

Stella, 1657. (Period art includes peg-top and whip-top moeglichst einfachen Theorie und Erklarung der Kreisel

spinning.) bewegung.- Annalen Physik und Chemie, Vol. 98 (1856),

322. STEPONAITIS, V. Lietuviu Iiaudies Zaidimai ir Pramogos pp. 558-570. (Mathematical.) 1

(Lithuanian Folk Toys and Pastimes). Valstybine Vilnius, -334. THORNDiKE, LYNN. History of Magic and Experimental Sci-

X956. ence, Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1923, ch. 21.

-323. STEwARD, juLiAN H. (w.). "Handbook of South American -335. THwArrE, M. F. A Facsimile Reproduction of a Little Pretty

Indians," Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 143. Pocketbook, Printed for John Newbkrry London 1767. In

urt, Brace &

Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Olfice, 1949. Rob- troduced by M. F. Thwaite. New York: Harcoi

ert H. Lowie,---TheNorthwestern and Central Ge," Vol. 1, World, 1967.

266 267

THE TOP Bibliography


336. TiPPETT, JAMES S. Toys and Toy Makers. New York: Har- -352. WARRING, C. B.---ACurve Tracing Top and a Curious Opti

per & Bros., 1931. (Color top.) cal Illusion." Science, Vol. 4 (1896), pp. 533-34.

-337. "Top Spinning to Women's Soccer." Pelita (Singapore) Vol. -353. WATKINs, FRANcEs E. "Hopi Toys." Museum Leaflet #19.

1, No. 7, 3rd Quarter (1963), pp. 7-8. (May be simplified Los Angeles: The Southwest Museum, 1946.

Peters.) 354. WATZINGER, CARL. Griechischer Vasen in Tuebingen. Tue

338. TRAoRE, MAmADou. "jeux et jouets des Enfants Foula." bingen: Reutlingen, Gryphius, 1924. Pl. 25, No. E78.

Bulletin Institut Franl~ais d'Afrique Noire, Vol. 2 (1940), 355. WE~AN, KARL. Kinderspiel: Handbuecher zur Volks

p. 243. kunde, Vol. 4. Leipzig: Heim, 1909, pp. 63-65.

-339. TREGAR, E. "The Maoris of New Zealand." Journal of the -356. WHITFLE. Spinning Tops of Naples. (Fiction; not relevant.)

Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 357. WINNEFELD, H. "Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben." Mil

19 (1889), p. 115. teilungen des Kaiserlich Deutchen Archaeologisch Instituts;

-340. Tricks with Yo-yo and Spinning. Evanston, Ill.: Donald F. A thenisches Mitteilungen. Vol. 13 (1888), p. 426. (Whip-top.)

Duncan Co., 1962. 358. WOLTERS, PAUL. "Ein Salbegefass aus Tarent." Muenchener

-341. TuER, ANDREw W. Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Chil- jahrbuch der Bildenen Kunst, Vol. 8 (1913), pp. 83-96.

dren's Books. London: Leadenhall Press, 1898-9. (Interest- (Whip-top shown.)

ing prints.) -359. WORTHINGTON, A. M. Dynamics of Rotation. London: Long

-342. -. Forgotten Children's Books. London: Leadenhall mans, Green, 1897, pp. 154, 159. (Mathematical.)

Press, 1898. (Good pictures.) -360. W.P.A. in New Mexico; The Spanish-American Song and

-343. TYLoR, EDWARD B. "History of Games." Fortnightly Review, Game Book. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program.

New Series Vol. 25 (1879), pp. 735-47. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1940. (pp. 60-61 pictures.)

344. UHLE, MAX. Pachacamac (Peruvian Expedition 1896). Phila- w 361. YAMADA, TOKUHEi. Toys of Japan (in Japanese script).

delphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1903. Tokyo: Hara-Shoten, 1968.

-345. VETr, CARL. Dervish Diary. Los Angeles: Knud K. Mogen- ---362. Youthful Sports. Philadelphia: jacoh johnson, 1802. (Scenes

sen, 1953. of whip-top and peg-top spinning.)

346. VRm. See DE VRIES 363. "Yo-yo Pronounced a Success at Dalton (New York City)

347. WAGNER, HERMANN. Illustrierte goldener Kinderbuch. Leip- School." The New York Times, February 13, 1969, p. 42.

zig: Otto Spamer, 1888. (Text and pictures.) 364. Yo-Yo Secrets. (Pamphlet of Union Wadding Co., toy manu

348. -. Der gelehrte Spielkamerad. Leipzig: Otto Kamer, facturer) by Mister Yo-Yo (Bob Rule). Atlanta: Bob Rule,

1891. (Toys.) 1971. (Good illustrated description of play with yo-yo.)

-349. WALKER, G. T.---Ona Dynamical Top." Quarterly Journal 365. Z. DR. "La Toupic Hydraulique.--- La Nature (August 3,

of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 28 (1896), pp. 175- 1889), p. 160. (Toy with water chamber creates fountain

84. when spinning.)

350. WAL-rERs, H. B. Creek and Etruscan Vases in the British 366. -. "Un Nouveau Gyroscope." La Nature (March 28,

Museum. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1896, Vol. 4, 1891), p. 257. (Toy commonly seen today, with demonstra

pl. IX, text F223, pp. 136, 164.(Magic wheel.) tion equipment.) 4

-351. WARD, DAVID P. Diabolo, The Game and its "Tricks." 367. ZiNGERLE, IGNAz V. Deutsche Kinderspiel im Mittelalter.

London: L. Upcott Gill, 1908. Innsbruck: 1873.

268 269

. THE TOP - Bibliography


-32. -. "Games and Pastimes of the Maori." Dominion -48. BROWN, J. MACM1LI-AN. Maori and Polynesian. London:

Museum Bulletin, No. 8. Wellington: Dominion Museum, Hutchinson, 1907.

1925. 49. BRUECHNER, A. -Athenische Hochzeitgeschenke." Mitteilun

33. BIZET, GEORGES. ---Jeux d'Enfants." II. La Toupie; Piano- gen des Koeniglich Deutschen Archaelogischen Institut;

forte duet; 1871. Athenische Abteilungen, Vol. 32 (1907), pp. 79, 94. (Magic

-34. BLOCH, RAYMOND. ---Originof Olympic Games." Scientific wheel.)

American, Vol. 219 (1968), p. 84. (Javelin.) -50. BucK, E. 0. Popular Mechanics, Vol. 60 (December 1933),

35. BOGAERT, ED.-W. L'Affet Gyrostatique. Paris: Beranger, p. 913. (Table game.)

1912. -51. BuTLER, S. E. School Arts, Vol. 23 (November 1923), p. 166.

36. BOEHME, FRANz M. Deutsche Kinderlied. Leipzig: Breitkopf (Spinners, juvenile.)

und Haertel, 1897. (Tectotums.) -52. BUXTON, L. H. DUDLEY. -Anthropology of Cyprus." Journal

37. BOESCH, HANs. Kinderleben. Leipzig: Diederichs, 1900. of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ire

38. BOHNENBERGER, JOHANN G. F. VON. "Beschreibung einer land, Vol. 50 (1920), p. 191. (Buzzer.)

Maschine Welche die Gesetze der Umdrehung der Erde um 53. BUYTENDIJK, F. J. J. Wesen und Sinn des Spiels. Berlin:

ihr Axe, und der Veraenderung der Lage der Erdaxe zu Kurt Wolff, 1933. (Theory of play; yo-yo.)

erlaeutern dient," Annalen der Physik (L. W. Gilbert, Ed.), 54. CALLOIS, ROGER. Jeux et Sports. Paris: Gallimard, 1967.

Vol. 60 (1819), pp. 60-71. Also in Tuebingen Blaetter fuer (Good guidebook.)

Naturwissenschaft und A7zenkunde (Edit. Autenrieth & 55. CALmETrEs, PIERRE. Les Joujoux. Paris: Doin, 1924. (Di

Bohnenberger) 111 Bandes, erstes Heft, pp. 72-83. avolo.)

39. BONNEFONT, GASTON. Les Jeux et les Recreations. Paris: -56. CAMP, EzRA J. Motion of an Unsymmetrical Top. Disser

Maurice Dreyfous, 1888. tation. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1935. (Mathematical.)

-40. AusUBEL, N. (ed.) Book of Jewish Knowledge. New York: 57. CAMPBELL, LEWIS. Life of James Clerk Maxwell. London:

Crown, 1964. llacmillan, 1882.

41. BOUASSE, H. Gyroscopes et Projectiles. Paris: Delagrave, -58. CAMPBELL, RoSEMAE WELM. Toys and Gyroscopes. New

1923. York: Thos. Y. Crowell, 1959.

-42. BRAAms, C. M. "On the 1nfluence of Friction on the Motion -59. CARVER, ROBIN. Book of Sports. Boston: Lilly, Wait, Col

of a Top," Physica, Vol. 18 (1952),pp-503-14. (Mathematics man and Holden, 1834. (Whip-top.)

of Tippe Top.) Also, "The Symmetrical Top." Nature, Vol. 60. CATS, JACOB. Huwelyk (Kinderspiel). Amsterdam: Cornelis,

170 (July 5, 1952), p. 31. (short version of above.) 1779.

-43. BRAnY, JOHN. Analysis of the Calendar (Clavis Calendaria), -61. CHAMPLIN, JOHN D., AND BoSTWICK, ARTHUR E. Young Folks

Vol. 1. London: Nichols, Sons & Bentley, 1815. Cyclopaedia of Games and Sports. New York: Henry Holt,

-44. BRAND, JOHN. Observations on Popular Antiquities. Lon 1890, pp. 731-36.

don: Chatto & Windus, 1877. -62. "Chicago Top-Spinners." Life, Vol. 19 (September 10, 1945),

-45. _. Dictionary of Faiths and Folklore. London: Reeves p. 97.

& Turner, 1905. -6,31. CHiLDE, V. GORDON. "Rotary Motion." flistory of. Tech

,46. BROWN, CATHERINE. Folklore, Vol. 66 (1945), p_369. (Minor, nology, Vol. 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954.

but has jingle associated with tops.) -64. METCALF, REV. FREDERICK. Charicles. London: Longmans

-47. BROWN, JOHN P. The Dervishes. London: Truelmer, 1868. Green, 1880. (Brief mention of top in antiquity.)

248 249

. THE TOP * Bibliography


des SMnces de 1'Acad~mie des Sciences, Vol. 101 (1850), -113. EISGRUBER, ELSA. Spin, Top, Spin. New York: Macinillan,

J-D,pp.111-19, 199-205. (Mathematical.) 1929. (juvenile, poems and pictures by E.E.)

97. DAREMBERG, CHARLES VICTOR. Dictionnaire des Antiquit~s 114. EPSTEIN, PAUL S. "Bernerkung zur Frage der Quantelung

Gr~cques et Romaines. Paris: Hachette, 1881-1889. des Kreisels." Physikalische Zeitschrift, Vol. 20 (1919), pp.

-98. DEIMEL, RiCHARD F. Mechanics of the Gyroscope. New York: 289-94. (Mathematical.)

Macinillan, 1929, ch. 6, pp. 75-92. (Mathematical.) 115. EsquIEu, Louis. Les jeux populaires de 1'enfance 44 Rennes.

-99. DELEVOY, ROBERT L. Brueghel, Historical and Critical Rennes: Cailli&e, 1890. (Names and children's vocabulary.)

Study. Geneva: Skira, 1959, p. 59 and pl. 56. -116. ETHRIDG.E, R., JR. "Game of Teetotum as Practiced by Cer

i00. DEMOULIN, GUSTAVE. Jouets d'Enfants. Paris: Hachette, tain Queensland Aborigines." Journal of the Archeological

1884. (Conversational treatment of several tops.) Institute, Vol. 25 (1896), pp. 259-62.

-101. DEPEW, ARTHUR M. The Cokesbury Game Book. New York: -117. Every Boy's Book: A Complete Encyclopedia of Sports and

Abington, 1960, pp. 138-39. Amusements. London: G. Rutledge, 1858.

102. DEUI1NER, LunWIG. ---Spielund SpieIzug der Griechen.---Die 118. EYMERY, ALExis. Les ieux de quatre saisons. Paris: [D.

Antike. Vol. 6 (1930), pp. 162-77. Eymery], 1812.

-103. DE VRIEs, LEONARD. Flowers of Delight. New York: Pan- -119. FAIRBANKs, ARTHUR. Catalog of Greek. and Etruscan Vases.

theon, 1965. (Reproduces pages of old books on games.) Vol. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Press, 1928, plate no.

- 104. DEWAR, T. 1. "Algebraic Gyrostatic Curves." Engineering 568.

(London), July 17, 1896, pp. 92-93. (Mathematical.) 120. FEDERLi, HERMANN. Zu einigen Benennungen des Kreisels

-105. Dewsbury, the Oflicial Guide. Cheltenham: E. J. Burrow, in den romanischeen Sprachen. Zurich: juris Verlag, 1966.

1967. -121. FERRY, ERvIN S. Applied Gyrodynamics. London: Wiley,

106. DILLAYE, FREDER1c. Les jeux et la jeunesse. Paris: Hachette, 1932.

1885, pp. 192-95. (Toupie, sabot.) 122. FINCK.---Notesur la Toupie." Nouvelles Annales de MatU

-107. Domo(;ARov, ARKADii SFMENOVIC. The Free Movements of matique (Paris), Vol. 9 (1850), p. 310.

the Gyroscope (in Russian). St. Petersburg: Imperial Acad- -123. FISHER, HARRIET F.---TheWorld's Top Top-Maker," Yankee,

emy of Science, 1893. Pages XV-XXVI catalog raisonn~, (December 1968), p. 84. "Rliode Island's Top Top-Spin

200 references 1749-1893 (in roman script). ner.---Ibid., p. 186. (Story of Dr. J. W. Wilson.)

-108. DONNELLY, RicHARD j.; HELMS, WILLIAm G.; AND MITCHELL, -124. "Flying Propeller" Scientific American, Vol 69 (1893), p.

ELmER D. Active Games and Contests. New York: Ronald, 331. (Aerial top.)

1958, pp. 92-94. -125. FOKKER, A. D. "The Rising Top. Experimental Evidence

-109. DOOLITTLE, JUSTUS. Social Life of the Chinese, Vol. 2. New and Theory." Physica, Vol. 8 (1941), pp, 591-96.

41. York: Harper & Bros., 1865---p. 280. 126. -.---Hoepels en tollen.--- Archives du Mus~e Teyler.

110. DRosT, JOHANNA WILHEMINA PETRONELLA. Het Neder- Serie 3, Vol. 9, Fascicule 4 (1941), pp. 343-424.'(Mathe

landsch Kinderspeel voor de Zieventiende E~. 's-Graven- matical.)

hage: Martinus Nijhof, 1914. -427. -. "The Tracks of Tops' Pegs on the Floor." Archives

ill. DUMONT, ALBERT, AND CHAPLAIN, JULEs. Les C&amiques de du Mus& Teyler. Serie 3, Vol. 10 (1953), pp. 215---20.

la Gr~ce Propre. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1888, pp. 367-68. (Mathematical.) h

-112. EDGE-PARTINGTON, JAMES. An Album of the Weapons, Tools, 128. FoLEY, DAN. Toys through the Ages. Philadelphia: Clinton,

Ornaments, etc., of the Natives of the Pacific Islands~, 4 vols. 1%2. (Bibliography.)

Manchester: J. C. Norberry, 1890-1898. 129. FouCAULT, JEAN BERNARD LEON. "Sur une nouvelle demon-




stration du mouvement de la terre, fond6e sur la fixit6 du -146. GARNETT, Lucy M. J. Mysticism and Magic in Turkey. New

plan de rotation." Comptes Rendus, Vol. 35 (1852), pp. York: Scribner's, 1912. (Dervishes.)


-130. -. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Vol. 7 -147. GARSTANG, JOHN. "Excavations at Jericho." Annals of

(1854-55), pp. 571-74. (Award in honor of invention of the Archaeology and Anthropology, Vol. 21 (1934), p. 99, Plate

gyroscope.) 19, item 2. (Potter's wheel.)

131. FouRNIER, EDouARD. Histoire des jouets et ieux Xenfants. -148. Anon. "An Historical Account and Description of Mr.

Paris: E. Dentu, 1889. (Toupie, 6migrette, diavolo.) Serson's Whirling Horizontal Speculum, with Its Use in

132. FRANKE, HERMANN. "Ueber die Bewegung rotirender Navigation." Gentleman's Magazine. Vol. 24 (1754), pp.

Kreisel." Inaugural-Dissertation, jena, 1874. (Mathemati- 446-48.

cal.) 149. GERHARD, F.DuARD. Etruskische Spiegel, 4. Berlin: Reimer,

133. FRANKLIN, ALFRED. La Vie priv~e d'autrefois. Paris: Plon, 1867, plate CCCXXV1. (Magic wheel.)

Nourrit, 1896, Chapter 5. -150. GERINI, G. E. "Siamese Festivals." Encyclopedia of Religious

-134. FRAsER, ANTOMA. History of Toys. Frankfurt-am-Main: Ethics, Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925.

Delacorte, 1966. (Lucid.) 151. GIET, STANISLAS. Homelies sur I'Hexaemeron. Paris: Edi

135. -. Spielzug. Oldenburg: Gerhard Stalling, 1966. (Illus- tions du Cerf, 1949.

tration of Vaughn children with tops.) -152. GOMME, ALICE BERTHA. Traditional Games of England,

-136. FREEmAN, RUTH AND LARRY. Cavalcade of Toys. Watkins Scotland, etc. New York: Dover Press, 1964. (General.)

Glen, N.Y.: Century House, 1942, p. 116. -153. GooDwiN-AuSTEN, H. (discussion of E. B. Taylor article).

-137. FREEMAN, G. L. AND R. S. Yesterday's Toys. Watkins Glen, Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain

N.Y.: Century House, 1962, pp. 60-62. and Ireland, Vol. 9 (1879), p. 30. (India.)

-138. FRiEDERs, M. F. "Liftoff Tool for Longstem Tops.---Popular -454. GoRDoN, LEsLEY. Peepshow into Paradise. London: George

Mechanics, Vol. 88 (1947), p. 197. See also Vol. 121 (1964), G. Harrup, 1953, pp. 166-68. (General, interesting.)

p. 161. 155. Gow, A. S. F. "jynx, Rombos, Rhombus, Turbo." Journal

139. FROEHNER, CHRISTIAN E. L. W. Catalogue de la Collection of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 54 (1934), pp. 3-8.

van Branteghem. 1892, n. 167, pl. 42. 156. GRABOWSKY, VON F. "Spiele und SpieIzuge bei den Dajaken

140. FRomAN, RoBERT. Baseball-istics. New York: G. P. Putnam~s Suedost-Borneos." Globus, Vol. 73 (1896), p. 376.

Sons, 1967. 157. GRAEF ' BoTHO. "Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben." Mit

141. FURNEss, HoRAcE H. New Variorum Shakespeare. Philadel- teilungen des Koeniglich Deutschen Archaeologischen In

phia: Lippincott, 1901, (Twelfth Night, parish top.) stitut; Athenische Abteilung, Vol. 15 (1890), p. 374. (Votive

142. FURTWAENGLER, A., AND REicHHoLD, K. Griechischer Vasen- tops.)

-158. GRAHAm, GEORGE- Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.

malerei. 11 Series. Mfinchen: F. Bruckmann, 1905, p. 181.

-143. GALLOP, E. G. "On the Rise of a Spinning Top." Transac- 31 (1932), p. 202. (A chant to start a top.)

tions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 19 (1904), 159. GRAmmEL, R. Der Kreisel. Seine Theorie und seine Anwen

p. 356. (MathematicaL) dungen. Bratmschweig: Friederich Vieweg, 1920. (Extensive

- 144. GARDINER, E. NORMAN. Athletes of the Ancient World. math.)

oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930. 160. GRASBERGER, LoRENZ. Erziehung und hUnterricht im Klas

145. GA~ RAYMOND H. Games, Pastimes and Amusements. sischen Altertum: Wilrzburg, 1864. (Literature citations.)

Chicago: Thompson and Thomas, 19%. (peg-in-the _ring;- -161. GRAY, ANDREW. Gyrostatics and Rotational Motion. Lon-,

making several types of tops.) don: Macmillan, 1918. (Extensive, good.)

. THE TOP - Bibliography


162. GREENHILL, A. G. "Mathematics of the Spinning Top." - 177. -. Head Hunters, etc. London: Methuen, 1901. (Mur

Nature, Vol. 60 (1889), pp. 319-22, 346-49. ray Island.)

163. - "Mathematical Theory of the Top." Science, Vol. -178. -. Reports of University of Cambridge Anthropologi

14 (December 20, 1901), pp. 973-75. cal Expedition to Torres Strait. Vol. 4, pp. 314-17, 384-86;

-164. -. "Mathematical Theory of the Top." Annals of Vol. 6, pp. 12-15.

Mathematics, New Series, Vol. 5 (1903-05), pp. 1-20. -179. HALL, KATHERINE S. Children at Play in Many Lands. New

-165. -. "Report on Gyroscopic Theory." Advisory Com- York: Missionary Education Movement of the U.S. and

mittee for Aeronautics, Reports and Memoranda No. 146. Canada, 1912.

London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1914. Chap. 4, p. 81; 5, p. 180. HAMBRUCH, PAUL. Nauru (Suedsee Expedition 1908-1910),

116; 6, p. 158. Vol. 2, B 1, p. 342. Hamburg: L. Friedrichsen & Co., 1913.

166. GRIAULE, M. "jeux Dogons." Travaux et Memoires de (South Pacific.)

17nstitute d'Athnologie, 32, Paris, 1938. -181. HAMILTON, A. Maori Art. Wellington, N2.: New Zealand

-167. GRIFFIS, W. E. "Games and Sports of Japanese Children." Institute, 1896.

Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. 2 (1874), -182. HAMILTON, E. 1. St. Nicholas; Vol. 59 (October 1932), p.

pp. 140-58. Also in Mikado's Empire by William Elliott 643. (Cardboard disc spinner.)

Griffis. New York: Harper & Bros., 1900. A 83. HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Collection of Engravings from

168. GRIFFITHS, JOHN. Paintings in the Buddhist Temples of Vases, etc. Volume 3, Plate Q. Berlin: Tischbein, 1791

Ajanta. Vol. 1. London: W. Griggs, 1896-97, plate 31, p. 30. 1795.

-169. GRimSE11L, E., AND TOMASCHEK, R. Textbook of Physics, -484. HARcouRT-SmiTH, CECIL. "Whip Tops." Hellenic Studies,

Vol. 1 (Mechanics). London: Blackie & Son, 1932, pp. 157- Vol. 49 (1929), pp. 217-19.

65. (Discussion leading to Gyro.) 185. HARTMANN, MARTIN. Der Islamische Orient, Band Ill, p.

-170. GRIOLI, GIUSEPPE. "On the Theory of Asymmetric Gyros." 14. Leipzig: Rudolph Haupt, 1910. (Dervishes.)

Symposium Celerina. Aug. 20-23, 1962; p. 29. Berlin-Goet- 186. HARTWIG, PAUL. Meisterschalen, plates XXII, XXVII. Stutt

tingen-Heidelburg: Springer, 1963. (Mathematical.) gart: W. Spemann, 1893.

-171. GRISE, JEHAN DE (illustrator for "Roman d'Alexander").

Collotype facsimile of MS Bodley 264. Oxford: Clarendon 187. HARouEvAux, L., AND PELLE-nER, L. 200 Jeux d'Enfants.

Press, 1933. (Medieval scene of whipping top.) Paris: Libraire Larousse, 1893. (Toton, bilboquet, whip

- 172. GRoos, KARL. The Play of Man. New York: Appleton, 1901. toPs;'a table game like skittles.)

-173. GRUNWALD, M. "The Top Among Jews and Gentiles." -188. HAWKESWORTH, JOHN, An Account of the Voyages Under

Edoth (Jerusalem) Vol. 1 (1946). English summary p. 127. taken by Order of His Recent Majesty for Discoveries in

(Teetotum.) the Southern Hemisphere, Vol. 2. London: Strahan & Ca

174. GuTs MUTHS, JOHANN C. F. Spiele zuer Uebing und Erho- dell, 1773, Chap. 11, p. 319. (New Zealand.)

lung des Koerpers und des Geistes. Hof: Grau, 1878. 189. HEMBERT, j., AND Nivoix, P. Le Diabolo pour tous. Paris:

(Games.) Duruy et Cie, 1908. (An excellent exposition on the di

-175. "Gyrograph or Artistic Top." Scientific American, Vol. 73 avolo.)

(1895), p. 248. (Compare Barus.) -190. HERCIK, EmANUEL. Folk Toys; Lcs fouets Populaires.

-176. HADDON, A. C. Study of Man. New York: G. P. Putnam's Prague: Orbis, 1951.

Sons, 1898. 191. HiERMANN, PAUL. Denkmaeler der Alterthums. Mfinchen:

256 257

THE TOP Bibliography


F. Bruckmann, 1904-1931, Series 1, p. 7, Vol. 2, Tafel 2, metrical Top." American Journal of Physics, Vol. 20 (1952),

plate Aries and Aphrodite. (Magic wheel.) ~~-i7- (Tippe Top.)

-192. HERvEY, D. F. A. "Malay Games"; Journal of the Anthropo- 209. J~, OTTo. "Ein Vasenbild der Muenchener Saminhing."

logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 33 Berichte verhandlunger koenig. Saechsischer Gesellschaft

(1903), p. 291. der Wissenschaft zu Leipzig, Vol. 6 (1854), p. 256. (Magic

193. I1FTzFR, HiLDEG~ Spiel und Spieizug. Lindau-Bodensee: wheel.)

Verlag Kleine Kinder, 1935. (Preface.) 210. -. "Denkmaeler und Forschungen," Archaelogische

-194. HEWSON, J. B. History of the Practice of Navigation. Glas- Zeitung; jalirgang XV, No. 108 (December 1857), pp. 106-9

gow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1951. (Serson.) and Tafel CV111. (Spinner.)

195. HEYDEMANN, H. VasensammIungen des Museo Nazionale 211. JAKoB, F~mcH AucusT L. Deutschlands Spielender

zu Neapel. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1872. Jugend. Leipzig: Kumer, 1883. (Dancing snake.)

-196. HiLLiER, MARY. Pageant of Toys. New York: Taplinger, 212. (Japanese Encyclopedia) Daihyakka jitan, Vol. 10. Tokyo:

1966. (Good illustration Victorian tops.) Yashburo, 1934. Vol. 11, Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1954.

197. HILW, JEANETTE. Das Kinderspielbild von Pieter Bruegel. -213. JELLETI7, JOHN H. Theory of Friction. London: Macinillan,

Wien: Oesterreichische Museum, 1957. 1872, pp. 181-87. (Mathematical analysis.)

198. HmN, YRjo. Les Jeux denfants. Paris: Stock, 1926. 214. J. T. (PROBAB - LY J__Jo~ "Les Toupies." La Nature (Dec.

-199. HoLmEs, REv. J. H. "Introductory Notes on the Toys and Qer a-i89~, 2*me A~ No. 1176. (Note, this is source of

Games of the Elema, Paptian Gulf.--- journal of the An- reference 92. 'Excellent.)

thropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. -215. JoHNsoN, WALTFR R. "Description of an Apparatus Called

38 (1908), p. 28 1. the Rotoscope, for Exhibiting Several Phenomena and Illus

-200. HoKE, HELEN, AND PELS, WALTER. First Book of Toys. New trating Certain Laws of Rotary Motion." American Journal

York: Franklin Watts, T957. of Science and Arts, Vol. 21 (1832), pp. 265-80.

-"1. VIONE, WILLIAM. Every Day Book and Table Book. London: 216. joLY, RwL jouets et Jeux dAntan. Paris: Soci&e Nouvelle

Tegg, 1838, Vol. 1, pp. 199, 253. (Medieval church.) des 1Utions Bias, 1947.

202. HooRN, GERMMS vAN. De Vita Atque Cultu Puerorum 217. joNQi!REs~ J. P. E. "Au sujet de certaines circonstances

Monumentis Antiquis Explanto. Amsterdam: J. H. De- qui se presentent dans le mouvement de la toupie." Comptes

Bussy, 1,909. (Classical.) Rendus, Vol. 102 (1886), p. 1519. (Mathematical.)

-203. HOPKINs, G. M. "Electric~al Top." Popular Science Review -218. joyA, MocK. Things Japanese. Tokyo: Tokyo News Service

(1879), p, 211. Ltd., 1958. (General.)

-294. HUGENHOLTz, N. M.---OnTops Rising by Friction." Physica, 219. JuD, j., AND JA~ K. Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und

Vol. 18 (1952~ pp. 515-27. (Mathematics of Tippe Top.) der Sudschweiz. Zolingen (Schweiz) Ringier & Co., 1928

-205. HuNT, SARAH E. Games and Sports the World Round, 3rd 1940, Band 1V, Karte 751. 1

Ed. New York: Ronald Press, ~. (Maori, Eskimo.) 220. KATF, H. TYN. ---Beitrage zur Ethnographie der Timor

206. HURGRONJE, C. S., The Achenese, Vol. 2, Leyden: E. J. Brill, gruppe.---Internationales Archiv fuer Ethnographie, Vol. 7

1W6, p. 190. (1894), p. 242.

-207. JACKSON, E~. Toys of Other Days. London: Country -221. KAUDMN WALTM Games and Dances in Celebes. Ethno-

Life, M8. graphical Studies in Celebes, Vol. 4. Goeteborg: Elanders

-208. JAcoBs, J. A. "Nbte7 on the Behavior, of a C~ Sym~ Boktryckeri, 1925-44. (Excellent.)

258 259

THE TOP Bibliography


222. KELLER, OTTo. Die Antike Tierwelt, Vol. 2. Leipzig: W. 238. LEvEzow, KONRAD. Antiken Denkmaeler in Antiquarium des

Engelmann, 1913. (Magic wheel.) Koeniglicher Museums zu Berlin; Calerie der Vasen. Berlin:

223. KERN, 0. "Die Boiotischen Kabiren." Hermes, Vol. 25 Koenigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1834.

(1890), p. 5. (Much like Winnefeld.) 239. LOEWE, HEIMUCH. "Trendel," juedisches Lexikon. Berlin:

-224. KETTELKAmp, LARRY. Spinning Tops. New York: Morrow, juedischer Verla& 1927-1930.

1966. (~,ucid.) -240. "Lift-Off Tool for Holding Long-Stem Top." Popular Me

-225. KINGSTON AcADEMY. Book of Games Practiced at the Kings- chanics, Vol. 121 (April 1964), p. 161.

ton Academy. Philadelphia: Benjamin Warner, 1821. (Kings- 241. LoRENZ, H.---Kurtze Abteilung der Bewegungs-gleichungen

ton Academy's location indefinite, but probably near Lon- des Kreisels!' Physikalische Zeitschrift, Vol. 20 (1919), pp.

don. Text is juvenile, but illustrations may he source of 294-96. (Mathematical.)

some Daiken figures.) 242. LuIKEN, JOANNES. Des Menschen Begin, Midden, en Einde.

-226. Kipp, CHAs. T. "An Old Form of Top Revived." School Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1881. (Peg~top, whip-top.)

Science and Mathematics, Vol. 20 (1920), p. 113. (Supported- -243. LUKACH OR LuKE, HARRY CHARLES. City of Dancing Der

top.) vishes. London: Macmillan, 1914.

-227. KiRK, H. C.---TheTruth About the Gyroscope!' Popular -244. MCCLEFs, HELEN. Daily Life of the Greeks and Romans.

Astronomy, Vol. 19 (1911),- p. 209. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1924. (Figure of

-228. KLEIN, ANITA. Child Life. New York: Columbia University, woman spinning whip-top.)

1932, plate XVIII. -245. MCCLINTOCK, INEZ AND MARSHALL. Toys in America. Wash

-229. KLEIN, FELIX. Mathematical Theory of the Top. New York: ington: Public Affairs Press, 1961. (History, commerce.)

Scribner's, 1897. -246. MACLAGEN, ROBERT CRAIG. Games and Diversions of Argyle

230. KLEIN, R, AND SUMMERFELD, A. Ueber die Theorie des shire. London: David Nutt, 1901.

Kreisels. Leipzig: Teubner, 1897. (Extensive, mathematical.) -247. MACMILLAN, W. A. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. New York:

231. KOHL, J. A. Kitsche-Gami, Vol. 1. Bremen: Scheunemann, McGraw-Hill, 1936, pp. 243-49, 329-31, 451-53. (Mathe

1859, p. 119. (Letter tells of seed and stones used as tops by matical.)

North American Indians.) -248. Malaysia Official Year Book, Vol. 4 (1964). Kuala Lumpur:

-232. LABORDE, E. D. Harrow School. London: Winchester Pub- Government Press, 1966, pp. 561-62.

lications, 1948. (Amusements included tops.) 249. MARQUARDT, JOACHIM. Das Privatleben der Roemer. Leipzig:

233. LAFFARGUE, J. "La Toupie magneto-electrique.- La Nature Hirzel, 1886.

(August 25, 1890), p. 176. -250. MARRAN, RAY J. Games Outdoors. New York: Thos. Y.

-234. LANE, EDwARD W. Customs and Manners of Modern Egypt. Crowell, 1940, pp. 81-84.

1 1 London: J. Murray, 1860, p. 433. (Dervish.) -251. -. Playthings for Indoor and Outdoor Fun. New

235. LANGLoTz, ERNsT. Griechische Vasen in Wurtzburg. Muen- York: Appleton-Century, 1940, pp. 104-17, 138-3b.

chen: J. B. Obernetter 1932, p. 147 and Tafel 238. -252. MASON, BERNARD S., AND MITCHELL, ELMER D. Theory of

-236. LANSDALE, HENRY. The Worthies of Cumberland. London: Play. New York: Ronald Press, 1935, pp. 87-88. (Explana

Rutledge, 1875, (Troughton.) tion of contests.) &

237. LEMKE, ELIZABETH. "Uraltes KinderspieIzug." Zeitschrift -253. MAXWELL, J. C_---Ona Dynamical Top, for exhi6iting the

des Vereins fuer Volkskunde (1895), p. 185. (Names, classi- phenomena of the motion of a system of invariable form

cal.) about a fixed point, with some suggestions as to the Earth's

260 261



270. PANOFKA, T. Annali dell'Instituto de Correspondenza

motion." Transactions of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, Archaeologico (1852), p. 322, plate Q. (Magic wheel.)

Vol. 21, pp. 559-70. (Mathematical.) -271. PAULY, A. F. VON. Real-Encyclopaedie. Stuttgart: Metzler,

-254. -. Scientific Papers of James Clerk. Maxwell, edited by 1948. (Name of top.)

W. P. Niven. Cambridge: University Press, 1890. (Part 1, 1~

p. 127, deals with color-top.) -272 PERRY, JOHN. Spinning Tops. London: Sheldon Press, 1929.

255. MILANi, LulGi A. Monumenti Scelti R. Museo Archaeologico

di Firenze, Tavel IV. Firenze: Bencini, 1905. -273. Persius Flaccus. Satires, Ill, 50. Translation and commen

256. MILLINGEN, JAMES. Peintures Antiques de Vases Grecques. tary by John Conington. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893.

Rome: Romans, 1813, plate 45. (Magic wheel.) (Persius Flaccus about A.D. 34-62.)

257. MiTzKA, WALTHER. Deutscher Wortatlas. Vol. 1. Karte 274. PERSON, C.-C. "Disposition de I'appareil de Bohnenberger

Kreisel. Giessen: Wilhelm Schmitz, 1951. (Extraordinary pour les differents latitudes." Comptes Rendus, Vol. 35.

word list for the top in the German language.) (1852), pp. 5449-5542.

-258. MORISON, SAMUEL ELioT. Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Boston: 275. -. "L'appareil de Bohnenberger pour la precession des

Little, Brown, 1942, pp. 361-62. (Columbus.) equinoxes peut servir A constater la rotation de la terre."

-259. NAREs, ROBERT. Glossary ---ParishTop." London: Reeves Ibid., pp. 417-20.

& Turner, 1888. -276. PETERS, MONTE. "Main Gasing [Top Spirming]"; The Straits

-260. NEEDHAm, JOHN. Science and Civilization in China ' Vol. 4. Times Annual (1956), pp. 68-71; Singapore. (Malaysia tops

Cambridge: University Press, 1965, plate 278. (Helicopter and spinning; good.)

top.) 277. PETRIE, W. M. F. Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. London:

-261. NESTEROFF, DmiTRi. "Whirling Dervishes Still Gyrating after Kegan Paul, Trench, Truchner, 1890. (Whip-tops.)

Thirteen Centuries." Beirut Daily Star (September 7, 1968). 278. -. Social Life in Ancient Egypt. London: Constable,

262. NEWBERRY, JOHN. See THWAITE, M. F. 1923.

-263. NEWBERRY, R. J. "Some Games and Pastimes of Southern 279. -. Objects of Daily Use; British School of Archaeol

Nigeria." The Nigerian Field, Vol. 7 (July 1938), pp. 131- ogy in Egypt. London: Quarich, 1927.

33. 280. PLANCK, MAX. "Zur Quantelung des asymmetrischen Krei

,1,264. NISHIZAWA, TEK1HO. -Japanese Toys" (in Japanese script). sels." Seizungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wis

Tokyo: Yuzanaku, 1965. senschaft, Vol. 33 (1918), pp. 1116-74. (Mathematical.)

-265. "Novel Top." Scientific American, Vol. 67 (1892), p. 5. (Air- -281. PLISKIN, W. A. "The Tippe Top." American Journal of


-X 1-2Z-(1'954), pp. 28-32. (Mathematical.)

-266. NUGENT, M. St. Nicholas, Vol. 29 (1902), p. 428. (juvenile; ~~szcs,- -o-.

momentum imparted by tops.) 282. PLuEcKER. "Ueber der Fessel'schemachine." Annalen der

Physik und Chemie, Band XC (1853), pp. 174,,348, 628.

-267. OLSON, 0. E. Popular Science, Vol. 144 (January 1944), p. (Early gyroscope.)

138._ (juvenile; board game.) 283. POINSOT, M. Theorie nouvelle de la rotation des corps. Paris:

-268. "Organize a Top-Spinning Contest." Recreation, Vol. 48 Bachelier, 1851. (Mathematical.)

(March 1955), p. 134.

-269. PAGE, LEIGH. Introduction to Theoretical Physics. New York: 284. POMA DE AYALA, FELiPE HUAMAN.---Nueva Coronica y Buen

D. Van Nostrand, 1952, pp. 157-66. (Mathematical treat- Gobierno." (Codex peruvien illustre); Travaux et M45moires

ment of top or gyroscope.) de PInstitut d'Ethnologie, 23. Paris, 1936.

262 263

THE TOP Bibliography


285. PRELLER, LuDwiG. Berichte Saechsische Gesellschaft Wissen- -299. RoTH, HENRY LING. Natives of Sarawak and British North

schaft, Vol. 4 (1852), pp. 89-92, Tafel V, VI. (Classical Borneo, Vol. 1. New York. Truslove & Comba, 1896, pp.

yo-yo.) 103, 104, 367.

286. -. Archaeologischer Zeitung, Vol. XI (1853), p. 312. -300. RoTH, WALTER E. "Introductory Study of the Arts, Crafts

(yo-yo.) and Customs of the Guiana Indians," U.S. Bureau of Ameri

287. RABECQ-MAILLARD, M. M. "jeux et jouets d'autrefois." In- can Ethnology, 38th Annual Report, 1916-17. Washington,

stitute Pidagogique(France National), Expo. December 12, D.C.: Government Printing Office,, 1924. (Humming top;

1961-March 10, 1962. (Citations of tops in art.) seed.)

288. RAUSCH, HEINRIcH A. 'Mas Spielverzeichnis im 'Geschict- -301. RouTH ' E. J. Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies, 4th ed.

Klitterung' Gargantua.---Dissertation Kaiser Wilhelm Uni- London: Macinillan, 1884, pp. 11 I-E 22. (Mathematical

versitaet zu Strassburg. Strassburg: J. H. Ed. Heitz, 1908. treatment of top's motions.)

289. RECHE, OiTo. Kaiserin-Augusta Fluss; Suedsee Expedition 302. Saint Petersburg Compte Rendu de la Commission Archae

1908-1910, Vol. 11 a 1. Hamburg: L. Friedrichsen & Co., ologique, 1863, Plate V. (Magic wheel.)

1913. (New Guinea.) -303. SAKAmoTo, KAzUYA. Japanese Toys. Rutland, Vt.: Charles

-290. REED, A. H. AND A. W. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of E. Tuttle, 1965. (Essentially same as entry 316, with minor

Maori Life. Wellington, N.L: A. H. and A. W. Reed, 1963. variations in text and photographs. Good pictures.)

-291. REED, CHARLES H. "Stone Spinning Tops from Torres -304. SANG, EDWARD. Remarks on the gyroscope in relation to his

Strait, New Guinea." journal of the Anthropological In- -Suggestion of a new Experiment which would demonstrate

stitute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 17 (1887), pp. the Rotation of the Earth" read before the Society, 24

85-90. March 1856; Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of

-292. -. "An Account of a Collection of Ethnological Speci- Arts, Vol. 4 (1856), pp. 413-20. (Sang read paper of above

mens Formed During Vancouver's Voyage in the Pacific content on 3 March 1836 but did not publish.)

Ocean, 1790-95." journal of the Anthropological Institute -305. Saturday Review (London), Vol. 58 (1884), p. 33. (Written

of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 21 (1891), p. 107. by a non-top-spinner and quite disdainful.)

293. REicHE, F. "Zur Quantelung des asymmetrischen Kreisels." 306. ScHEiBLE, JOHANN,---DieGute Alte Zeit!' Das Kloster,

Physikalische Zeitschrift, Vol. 19 (1918), pp. 394-401. Band 6; Stuttgart: 1845-49. (Children's games, including

(Mathematical.) whip-top.)

-294. REMISE, JAC. Golden Age of Toys. Lausanne: Edita Lau- -307. SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH. Ili0S, City and Country of the Tro

sanne, 1967. (Clown top.) jans. New York: Harper & Bros., 1880. (Terra-cotta top and

295. RicHTER, G. M. A., AND HALL, L. F. Red-figured Athenian whorls.)

- Vases in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New Haven: -308. SHEPPARD, HAJ1 M11BIN. Malaysian Tops. Forthcoming pub

Yale University Press, 1936, p. 103, fig. 74. (Yo-yo.) lication.

-296. RiPLEY, G. S. Book of Games. New York: Association Press, -309. SHORT ' JAmEs. "An Account of an Horizontal Top; Invented

1954. (Top-spinning contests.) by Mr. Serson." Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 47 (1752),

297. RocHHoLz, ERNsT L. Allemanische Kinderlied. Leipzig: J. J. pp. 352-53. %

Weber, 1857, pp. 419-420. (Names for tops and games.) 310. SIEVEKING, JOHANNES. "Nackter Mann mit Kreisel." Die

298. RomERo, EMILIA. juegos del antiguo Peru. Mexico City: Bronze der SammIung Loeb, p. 66, Figure 27. (Etruscan

Ediciones Llama, 1943. style whip-top.)

264 265



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