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What is a Bisexual?

Definitions of a Bisexual can vary however this is the most used: A Bisexual is a person who has loving and/or sexual interaction with other people of more than one sex (though not necessarily at the same time). They may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and the degree of attraction may vary over time (some Bisexuals do not feel that a persons sex is important at all).

Therefore Bisexuality is the potential to feel sexually/otherwise attracted to or to engage in emotional or sexual relationships with people of either sex.

Self-perception plays the major part of a persons a bisexual identity. There is no test or rules to determine whether or not a you are is bisexual. People vary, and so does Bisexuality.

  • Some people engage in sexual activity with people of both sexes, but do not identify as bisexual.
  • Other people engage in sexual activity with people of only one sex but still consider themselves bisexual.
  • And some may not engage in sexual activity at all, but still consider themselves bisexual.

Bisexual Identity

Many people assume that bisexuality is just a phase. In fact, any sexual orientation can be a phase. Humans are diverse, and individual sexual feelings and behaviour change over time. Discovering your sexual identity whether you are Hetrosexual, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Asexual is a continuing journey. For more information on this subject please take a look at these pages: The Bisexual Resource Center