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JANO "Certain Things" Includes "Reflections," "On My TV," "All My Heros," "T's and Blues," "Turn on the Psychopath," "Menominee Falls," "Cowboy Mouth," "Civic Center," "11th Commandment," "Angels in the Snow," "Why Did I Come to This Planet," "Loves Me Anyway," "Certain Things," "This is It," "Sponsor's Lullaby," "Big Rock." Waterbug CD only: $14.00
MICHAEL JERLING "Early Jerling" Early recordings from another excellent Waterbug artist! Waterbug CD only: $14.00
MICHAEL JERLING "In Another Life" Contemporary Folk, Singer-Songwriter Waterbug CD only: $14.00
CROW JOHNSON "Painting Stories 'Cross the Sky" "..sometimes subtle, sometimes she struts...Crow embraces us with her loving spirit..." - Tom Paxton Zassafrass CD: $15.00 Cassette: $ 9.00
CROW JOHNSON "As the Crow Flies" A cheery wonderful contemporary folk singer/songwriter from Arkansas. Independent CD: $15.00 Cassette: $ 9.00
NIC JONES "In Search of Nic Jones" Finally some music on CD from Britain's legendary guitarist and singer. Traditional songs & some contemporary songs include "Seven Yellow Gypsies," "Texas Girl at the Funeral of Her Father," "Lord Franklin," "Swimming Song," "Ploughman Lads," "Ruins by the Shore" (Nic Jones original), "On Board the Kangaroo," "Hardiman the Fiddler," "Green to Grey," "Rose of Allendale," "Teddy Bear's Picnic," and "Thanksgiving." Mollie Music CD only: $17.00
NIC JONES "Penguin Eggs"This may be the best ever album from this legend of British folk and guitar, certainly a permanent favorite around here. Includes "Canadee-i-o," "The Drowned Lovers," "The Humpback Whale," "The Little Pot Stove," "Courting is a Pleasure," "Barrack Street," "Planxty Davis," "The Flandyke Shore," and "Farewell to the Gold." Nic Jones provides vocals, guitar and fiddle, and is joined by Tony Hall on melodeon, Bridget Danby on recorders and vocals, and Dave Burland on vocals. Absolutely wonderful! Only one copy. Topic Records CD only: $17.00
JUSTINA AND JOYCE "So Strong" Glorious harmonies from these two contemporary folk/womens performers, paired with fine songwriting and choices of other material. Recommended highly. Independent Cassette only: $6.00
JUSTINA AND JOYCE "Rhythms, Rhymes and Tides" "When Justina and Joyce sing, the heavens could open for the joy of it." - Amy Zuckerman, Worcester Magazine. Contemporary folk/Womens Independent Cassette only: $6.00
DAVID K "Take A Mile" Known to many of you as the superb sideman for Eileen McGann, David K. is an excellent songwriter and singer in his own right! This wonderful and long-awaited solo release (with some harmony help from Eileen!) includes: "Gimme An Inch,' "Don't You Hear Me Callin'," "'55 Thunderbird," "Company Town," "Let Me Lead," "Mystery Train," "Grindin' Mill Blues," "Who Walks In When I Walk Out," "Dance You 'Round This Town," "Come Back Home," "Rear View Mirror," and "Say it Out Loud," the last co-written with Cathy Miller. What a treat, don't miss it! Blue House CD only: $17.00
CONNIE KALDOR "Small Cafe" Contemporary Folk/Canadian Singer-Songwriter Philo CD only: $15.00
CINDY KALLET "This Way Home" With Gordon Bok, Michael Cicone, Ellen Epstein, & Will Brown. Stones Throw CD only: $16.00
PAUL KAMM & ELEANORE MacDONALD "Game of Dances" A delightful folk duo! Freewheel CD only: $15.00
JAMES KEELAGHAN "Home" Includes "Red Winged Blackbird," "Henry's Down Fall," "Sinatra and I," "The Flower of Magherally," "October 7-0," "Woodsmoke and Oranges," "Sing My Heart Home," "Stonecutter," "Nothing," and "You Know Me." Produced by Oliver Schroer. Appleseed CD only: $17.00
JAMES KEELAGHAN "Road" The most recent from this Juno-award winning Canadian Singer-Songwriter. Hightone CD only: $17.00
JAMES KEELAGHAN "Small Rebellions" Another favorite, with "Hillcrest Mine," "Red River Rising." Tranquilla CD: $17.00 Cassette: $ 9.00
JAMES KEELAGHAN "Timelines" The superb 1st album, includes "Fires of Calais," "Jenny Bryce." Dirty Linen CD: $15.00 Cassette: $ 9.00
KILA "Lemonade and Buns" One of the hottest young groups performing Celtic music today! Green Linnet CD only: $17.00
HERBIE KOPF "Lop-Sided" Swiss Jazz bass player with an international group. Brambus CD only: $15.00
CHRISTINE KYDD Heading Home" An exceptionally fine Scottish singer, lovely voice, lovely material. Fellside Cassette only: Was $9.00, now $6.00
PENNY LANG "Live at the Yellow Door" 18 cuts, Good-time blues/Canadian She-Wolf CD only: $15.00
PENNY LANG "Ain't Life Sweet" Uplifting Candian Folk by this legendary singer/songwriter. She-Wolf CD only: $14.00
PENNY LANG & FRIENDS "Live in Montreal" Another great gospel/blues tinged album from Canadian songwriter She-Wolf CD only: $14.00
PATTY LARKIN "Angels Running" Includes "Pundits & Poets," "Winter Wind," "Channeling Marlene," more High Street CD only: $17.00
GRIT LASKIN "Unabashedly Folk, songs & tunes 1979 ? 1985" This 2 CD set includes Laskin?s first two albums, "Unmasked" and "Lila?s Jig" which were recorded for Fogarty?s Cove Music, plus 2 previously unreleased tracks. Borealis CD only: $18.00
GRIT LASKIN "Earthly Concerns" Solo outing from member of Friends of Fiddler?s Green, an good songwriter, & the maker of those fabulous Laskin guitars. Borealis CD only: $16.00
KATIE LEE "Glen Canyon River Journeys" Songs written and played on Glen Canyon river trips, along with excerpts read by Katie Lee from her book "All My Rivers Are gone" Katydid CD only: $16.00
KATIE LEE "Colorado River Songs" 19 songs of the River and Glen Canyon from pioneer Glen Canyoneer Katydid CD only: $16.00
LENNOX CF "Picnics and Holidays" Top Swiss group, American flavor Brambus CD only: Was $17, now $12.00
LENNOX CF The Hardone" American music from Swiss pop music group Brambus CD only: Was $17.00, now $12.00
BERNICE LEWIS "Isle of Spirit" A delightful contemporary folk singer/songwriter! Sanctuary CD only: $15.00
BERNICE LEWIS "Open Lines & Signals" Another Kerrville favorite, singer/songwriter Sanctuary Cassette only: $6.00
TOM LEWIS "Surfacing" The first wonderful recording of original songs from this Canadian veteran of the British Royal Navy! A delight. Self Propelled Music CD: $16.00 Cassette: $9.00
TOM LEWIS "Sea Dog, See Dog!" Original songs of the sea, and the deliciously funny tale (tail) of a dog? CD: $16.00 Cassette: $9.00
TOM LEWIS "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Singer" More wonderful songs of the sea and land. Self Propelled Music CD: $16.00 Cassette: $9.00
LINTIE (KIM HUGHES & CHRISTA BURCH) "Lintie" This 12 cut CD was intended as a demo, so it's in a soft sleeve, with minimum information, but this wonderful California duo performs Celtic and contemporary vocal harmonies as well as anyone I've heard, if you like the Scots duo Janet Russell & Christine Kydd, this is for you! Includes "Siuil a Run," "Ripe and Bearded Barley," "A minor jigs (mouth music)" (Kim solo), "Farewell to the Gold," "Yellow on the Broom" (Christa solo), "The Gentleman," "The Fishwife's Lament," "MacAfee set (mouth music)" (Kim solo), "The Widow & the Devil," "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" (Christa solo), "Fhir a' Bhata," & "Scartaglen." Independent CD only: $10.00
ANNE LISTER "Waiting For the Hero" Her new 2005 release! Includes "The Reverend Jones," "A Call To Arms," "Marrow Hill," "Dante's Church," "The Small Black Cat," "The Trees in the Woodland," "Gate in the Wall," "Silkie," "Drake's Drum," "Cinders," "Medusa's Smile," "The Quiet People," "Dance with the Dragon," and "How To Find True Love." All songs written and arranged by Anne Lister except for "Silkie" where the words are traditional and the tune by Dr. James Walters. Addidional instruments played by Steafan Hannigan (percussion, pipes, whistles, bouzouki), Mike O"connor (fiddle, concertina), Matt Crum (clarinet, keyboards), and Julia Lane (harp). Harmony vocals by Julia Lane and Fred Goshee. Hearthfire CD only: $17.00
ANNE LISTER "Singing On the Wind" Joined by Julia Lane on harp; Mike O'Connor on fiddle; Steafan Hannigan on various pipes, percussion, & more; Annie Power on harmonies, and Terry Mann on bass & sax, Anne sings of love and sorrow, of the earth and change and wars, with the timeless tales of Britain woven into her songs. Hearthfire CD only: $17.00
ANNE LISTER "Root, Seed, Thorn & Flower" Songs based on the Arthur legends from one of England?s finest and most haunting songwriters, a favorite here! Hearthfire CD: $17.00 Cassette: Was $10.00, now $7.00
ANNE LISTER "A Flame In Avalon" This inclues her classic song "Icarus", which has been recorded by Martin Simpson, & sung by artists such as Archie Fisher. Wonderful stuff! Hearthfire CD: $17.00 Cassette: Was $10.00, now $7.00.
ANNE LISTER "Spreading Rings" This includes favorites, "Dragons," "The Seventh Angel," and her own version of "The Lady of Shallott," as well as "Cregennan," "Pilgrimage," "Demeter's Daughter," "The Nightingale," "Wide Horizons," "La Folie Tristan," "Spreading Rings," "Dream," and "Advent." Backing from Stefan Hannigan & Terry Mann. Hearthfire CD only: $17.00
ANNE LISTER "No Signposts" Anne's first solo recording, and a must have, like the rest! It's just reissued on CD!! Includes "The Easiest Thing," "Moth," "When Kings Play Games," "Message Home," "Red Riding Hood," "The Godmother," "Naughty Girl," "The Patchwork Quilt," "Take Your Mother to Disneyland," "MacBeth," "Singing in the Fields," "Flesh Wound," "Borderlands," "Volcanoes," and "Gaia." Haunting, intelligent & insightful, and a delight to listen to, with some interesting twists on old legends. Hearthfire CD: $17.00 Cassette: Was $10.00, now $7.00
JEZ LOWE "The Parish Notices" "the best songwriter to come out of England in a long time" - Richard Thompson. CD only: $16.00
JEZ LOWE "Tenterhooks" "Some of the best contemporary folk songs since early Richard Thompson." ? Boston Globe CD only: $16.00
JEZ LOWE & THE BAD PENNIES "Briefly on the Street" British folk/Songwriter Fellside CD: $15.00 Cassette: $8.00
JEZ LOWE & THE BAD PENNIES "Bede Weeps" An all time favorite from this English folk artist! Cassette only: $8.00