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Ellen <bgsound src="/folk/captain/Jim_Reeves___My_Happiness.mp3" loop infinite>

Dear Ellen,

From the first day I've met you
down at our special place
things have not been the same for me,
the things that you have brought in my life
and the wonderful days we have shared together,
either going up or down that very special road
from point A to point B has given me
the most wonderful days of summer
one could give another ,
and I owe it all to you.

That Special day When we met

On , that first and very special day
we met for the first time down by the ???
has been the Best day
I have enjoyed in a very long time,
and I owe it all to you ,
and that one other person
who has brought us together,
even though you had no intentions of doing so,
at the time I am sure glad
that you did continue with the contact,
because here we are almost nine month's later
and for me things have been
most wonderful and I do hope that it has been
the same for you as well.

A Poem just for you

Roses are red, and Violets are blue sugar is sweet,
so is murple surple ,
But none can take the place of you !
