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   Photo Album | Traditional Javanese Wedding

Foto-foto pernikahan Mbak Rike di Mojokerto, yang meskiupun sederhana tetapi tetap berkesan. Peter paling suka dengan acara pernikahan ini karena dia bisa menyaksikan upacara resminya (ijab kabul), dan tidak hanya makan-makan di gedung seperti beberapa pesta pernikahan yang dia datangi. Peter bilang bahwa selama dia berada di Indonesia (selama 4 bulan), dia telah mendatangi pesta pernikahan lebih banyak daripada selama hidupnya di Swedia! ^_^ Dan aku juga menyertakan foto pernikahan tetanggaku Vivi, yang mewah dan meriah, dengan upacara adat Jawa lengkap. Aku nggak akan menjelaskan mengenai upacaranya, soalnya aku juga nggak begitu paham! :P Foto-foto diambil oleh Papi dan Ragil.

Pictures my cousin Rike wedding ceremony, which was simple but still nice and memorable. Peter liked this wedding ceremony and party best because he got to see the 'real' wedding ceremony (ijab kabul), and not only eating nice food in some building like some weddings he attended before. And he told me that while he's in Indonesia (in 4 months), he's to more weddings than all his life in Sweden ^_^ This says a lot :D Here I put pictures of my neighbor Vivi's wedding also, which was big and fancy, with complete traditional Javanese wedding ceremony. But I'm not writing more about the ceremony because I don't really know about it :P Pictures were taken by Papi and Ragil.

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the couple Islamic wedding ceremony
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Javanese tradition
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Proffesional photographer :P
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the bride's father's family Mami and the bride's mother My grandfather and his wife Grandfather and his bro and sis Peter and Dina
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the groom Javanese musical instruments
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Javanese tradition the bride Wedding decorations
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the couple's parents things to be fought to get :D fight to get things
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