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How to speak Comon

1) All vowels are in long form, and all other letters are pronounced as they are in English.
    For example, if English was a Comon word, it would be pronounced [EE-ng-gl-eye-sh] and Comon is pronounced [Koh-mohn]

2) All pronouns are single letters.  A, E, I, O, U.

Singular (English/Comon) Plural (English/Comon)
I, me / I We, us / O
You / U You / U
He, she, it, him, her / E They, them / A

3) At no time will the total amount of words in Comon exceed 100.  We are adamant in this facet, do not test us!

4) If there are no vowels between consonants, pronounce it as if there are fitting short vowels present.
    For example, the English word enemy, in Comon, is nme.... pronounced the same way as the English word.

5) All plural forms of words, with the exception of pronouns, merely add the ending -z.
    For example, the English word ideas, becomes idez in Comon, pronounced [eye-deez]

6) If the verb is past-tense, merely add the ending -d.
    For example, the English word spoke, becomes spekd, pronounced [speek-d]

7) If the verb is talking of things to come, merely add the word wil before the verb.
    For example, the English phrase will sit, becomes, wil sit, pronounced [while site]

8) There are no exceptions to these rules, EXCEPT for three words, pronounced as they are in English or Ebonics as the case may be.  The words are: Pecka, piss, and Betty.  All of which are to be used as expletives.


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