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The Rules

The Layout:
This is a realistic old western town game. Though there were a few 'educated', wealthy men back then. most were cowboys. Working off the land, punching cows(working for someone else who owns cows), riding broncs, that kind of stuff. If you are still in the dark, read one of 'Louis L'Amour's old western time books. He is an awesome author and I got the game idea from his books! If you are still in the dark, email me!

No cussing, I know in the olden days they usually did, but I am against it.
If you would like to start a store or own a store, email me and we can talk it out.
No advertisements except on the advertisement board!!(if i get one;-)
I do allow duels, but if you start one, remember that they usually result in a death. We are not superheros here, and characters do die.
You can make a troublemaker character, but if you do, I strongly advise you to have read a western book on how the act. If I don't like the way you are playing him, I will probably make you stop.
We do not have a mayor, but later in the game we may elect one.
The marshall is law! He is to be respected, if you have a troublemaker character that causes trouble, the marshal can come and take you to jail, but like in the western days, jail simply means staying in the marshal's jail cell for three or more days. If the marshal thinks you need to go to jail, you may not argue unless you have a death wish.
For murder, your character can be hanged. A shoot-out though, where each character has a fair draw, is not considered murder.
If your character is shot, and you really don't want it to die, you can decide to only be severly wounded, but remember, it will take awhile to heal.

To join, just post your stats(name age gender...) at the Stat board, you dont need to write anything else. And also you can update your stats by posting underneath it. You do get paid for certain jobs, and you start out with 3000$ when you join. The bank is a new addition, and is addressed farther below.

All these jobs wages seem low to you, but are common in the old west. Everything was low back then, so dont be shock at the normal pay. Also, the wages include food and bedding, usually your boss has an extra bunkhouse for you to sleep in.
You can get a job as a stable hand who works for the single stable in the town, cleaning stalls, brushing the horses and taking care of customers and such.($20 a month)
A bartender(only one), who works at the Red Bull salloon, taking drink orders and keeping the place tidy.($35-$40 a month)
A cook(usually one), who usually works for the Hotel, making the food for the owners and any customers.(around $30 a month, but depends on boss)
A storehand(optional, depends if the owner want one), who cleans up the place, can take care of customers, and goes to the bigger towns to get food supplies.(around $20 a month)
Cow Hand(which is most common since there arent many of the other jobs), works for a cow herd owner, mending fences, moving the herd to different water holes, and better grazing. Brands calves in the spring, and keeps the herd together.(a good cowhand gets $40 a month, average $30)

If you decide to play a women here, Let me remind you that there were few, if any, 'rough and tough tom boys'. Dressing in anything but a dress, was barely ever considered and let me remind you that among normally dressed woman your character may feel and be treated a little like an outsider. But your charcter if shown normally in a dress, can indeed dress in jeans and all that while say working with your horses or cattle herd, but their normal ensamble when going to town would be a dress. The women rarely did men's work, unless they owned a cowherd which is possible. I'm not saying you have to play your character as a big 'girly-girl', but keep it realistic. Women can marry by age of 16, and they can choose their husbands. Some men may get rough with your character, and yes you may fight back.

If you would like to be a rustler(someone who steals cows or horses from farmers) please email me. But remember, if the party you have stolen from catches up with you, or the marshal, your character could be hung or shot. So it is a risky business, but it's fun too!

Each day you play your character, you must stable your horse when you are not using it. Unless you like are riding to grab a drink, and then turning to ride out, then you would just hitch your horse to the rail. Otherwise, you must stable your horse. A nightly stabling is $2, where they get fed and all that stuff. You must pay your stable bill each week, unless you are a cowhand and your boss lets you keep your horse at his place. If I see you not taking care of your horse you will get a warning, because in the west, horses are everything.

If you want to own a ranch, make a board for it, and email me the adress. When you own a cow ranch, to buy the cows it is $6-7 per head. So that will be deducted from your account, but you can sell the cows to other ranches, and the store, and you will get money for that. It will be explained in more detail when you email me!

The praire is a place to lie around, roam, ride, and to go when you're chasing rustlers and other things that are out of town. You can go and wrangle a few wild horse head that roam around, and if some of your stock has wandered off, here would be a good place to look.
The Road is where everyone can sort of 'meet', i guess you would say. You can walk around, and to enter stores you first have to pass through here. People can talk, greet, or ask different members of the town questions here too. It is basically a milling place.
Password for joining=frog

Last but not least, have fun! And email me with any questions!:-) At

