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Article I. Name

The name of the Association shall be "Cleveland Livestock Show, Inc." The terms "Cleveland Livestock Show,”  “CLS,” and the “Association” may also be used in the ordinary conduct of business and in the advertising of the Association.

Article II. Purpose


Section 1. The Cleveland Livestock Show and Dairy Day was organized for charitable, educational and scientific purposes to encourage and promote the breeding, raising and marketing of better livestock and farm products and to promote and maintain research and educational functions within the area livestock and agricultural industry. It is the general policy of the Show to utilize, in the fiscal year subsequent to which it is earned, the excess of its revenue over expenses for the furtherance of its exempt purpose, including the granting and/or funding of scholarships and other programs, as well as the funding of related capital additions and improvements. The funds of the Cleveland Livestock Show and Dairy Day are used exclusively to meet necessary expenses for its upkeep and operation and in furtherance of the exempt purpose of the organization.

Section 2. The Date of the show shall be the second week of April. This date is subject to State testing dates or other conflicts.  The Board may vote to adjust the date of the show as needed.



Article III. Memberships

Section 1. Membership shall be open to any reputable person, business or corporation in accord with the purpose of the organization and willing to cooperate in the accomplishment of its purpose
they are voted in by the majority of Board members at a regular or special meeting.

Section 2. No member shall become in any manner liable for any expense or other indebtedness of this organization with the exception of membership fees.

Section 3. Annual membership fees shall be $____ and shall cover a period of October 1 – September 30, and will be due to treasurer by October 1.



Section 4. Any member that misses 3 consecutive meetings without notifying board president of extenuating circumstances shall be removed from membership roll of a member in good standing.  Any reinstatement must go before the Executive Committee.


Article IV. Membership Meetings

Section 1.
The Board shall meet at least three times annually:

      1. Committee Chairperson meeting (Jan-Mar)

2. Election Meeting/ Rule Changes (May-Jul)


3.Membership/ Budget (Sept-Oct)


Section 2. Special meetings of the membership may be held at any time upon call of the President of the Association. The purpose of any special meeting shall be stated in the notice given of its call. A special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President of the Association on the request of 33% of paid board members. Said request shall be in writing addressed to the President of the Association and signed by not fewer than 33% of said members and shall state the purpose of the meeting. The meetings shall be held within twenty one (21) days of such request. No more than 2 Special meetings can be called in a 12 month period.  A Special meeting is a situation that is a bona-fide emergency and cannot be addressed as within normally scheduled meetings.

Section 3. Notices of membership meetings shall be mailed by the Secretary to all members in good standing at their last known addresses at least twelve days prior to the dates of the meetings.

Section 4. A quorum shall be 33% of membership in order to transact business.

Section 5. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on any business matter presented at a regular or special membership meeting. In addition, members in good standing shall also have the privilege of voting on matters of timely importance.


Section 6. All meetings will be conducted using parliamentary procedure according to Parliamentary Guide for FFA by Jarrell D. Gray.

Section 7.The Order of Business at all meetings shall consist of:

·    Call to order by the Presiding Officer

·    Invocation

·    Reading of the Minutes of previous meeting(s)

·    Reading of Treasurer’s Report

·    Officer reports

·    Unfinished business

·    Committee Reports

·    New Business

·    Adjourn

Section 8. The minutes of the Association shall be kept in a bound minute book and shall be signed by the President and Secretary when they have been approved. Copies of minutes will be filed in “President’s File.”

Article V. Elected Officials/Governing Body

Section1. Officers/Executive Board of the Association shall be President, Vice President, General Show Director, Secretary, Treasurer,  selected by the Nominating Committee, from the paid board members. They shall serve one-year terms and may be re-elected to their offices.

Section 2. Elected officials shall be members in good standing of the Cleveland Livestock Show and shall evidence willingness to serve, and shall meet all qualifications for their positions.

Section 3. The position of General Livestock Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board, and will serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Livestock Show Office shall be at the office or residence of the President. Other officers may have their offices at their personal office or residence.

Section 5. A “President’s File” will be established to transfer into the hands of each incumbent president. This file will contain copies of CLS By-laws, Gray’s Parliamentary Guide, copies of all meeting minutes, copies of all treasurer’s reports, committee reports, rule changes, and by-law amendments.

Section 6. Executive committee shall consist of 6 members: 2 officers appointed by the president, and 4 appointed members; selected from the following: immediate Past President, General Livestock Chairman and from the board of directors.  They shall have the authority to hold a special emergency meeting should the need arise.


Article VI. Qualifications of Elected Officials/Governing Body

Section 1. To be eligible to hold any office, proposed candidates should be knowledgeable of the special customs and policies of the Cleveland Livestock Show and of the requisites, which establish its purpose. They shall be members of the Association in good standing, and willing to serve if elected, in addition to meeting the specific minimum qualifications of the offices for which they are candidates.

Section 2. A proposed candidate for the office of President shall have previously served a minimum of two years as a Committee member, One year on Executive Committee, and One year as a Vice President.

Section 3. A proposed candidate of the office of Vice President/Director shall have previously served two years on a committee, one year as a Committee Chairman.

Section 4. A proposed candidate for the office of Secretary shall have demonstrated competence and experience in secretarial and other clerical duties and shall have previously served for two years on a committee.

Section 5. A proposed candidate for the office of Treasurer shall have demonstrated competence and experience in financial and clerical duties and shall have shall have previously served for two years on a committee.

Section 6. A proposed candidate for Executive Board shall have previously served as a board member for at least two years.

Section 7. All proposed appointees for Executive Board shall be a member in good standing of the  Cleveland Livestock Show.





Article VII. Duties of Officers/Executive Board

Section 1. The duties of various officers of this Association shall be those usually performed by corresponding officers of similar organizations.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association. In the event of the absence of the President at any meeting, Vice-President present will preside. The President shall consult with the Vice President/Directors regarding the appointments of Chairs or co-chairs for any committees deemed necessary to carry out the programs of the Association, all such appointments to be approved by the Executive Board. The President shall inform the Vice President/Directors of any persons who are not current in payment of membership fees or other financial obligations to the Association and who are therefore ineligible for consideration as committee Chairs, members, or workers. Duties of the various committees shall be outlined and prescribed by the President of the Association.

Section 3. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 4. The President shall make a report of the year's activities at the annual membership meeting.

Section 5. The Vice President/Directors shall propose, in consultation with the President of the Association, Chairs for all committees within their designated areas of responsibility. The Executive Board shall have the privilege of approving all proposed committee Chairs before any such appointments are made.

Section 6. The Vice Presidents/Directors shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees within their designated areas of responsibility. They shall verify that committee members and workers proposed by the committee Chairs under their supervision are in good standing with the Association, whether those proposed are members or not.

Section 7. The Secretary will keep minutes of the Association in a bound minute book and shall be signed by the President and Secretary when they have been approved.

Section 8. The treasurer will keep a book of accounts utilizing a system generally approved and used by fair associations, giving a proper account of receipts and disbursements.

Section 9. All contracts or other financial obligations pertaining to the general business of the Association shall be approved by the Executive Board and signed by the President and Treasurer before such contracts shall be effective or such other financial obligations shall be incurred.

Section 10. Contracts pertaining to authorized activities of the Association, may be executed by the committee Chairs involved, provided, however, that they shall have first secured the concurrence of the members of their committees and the approval of at least six officers of the Association.


Article VIII. Past Presidents

Section 1. The Past Presidents of the Association, by virtue of their previous service, shall have the privilege of voting at all meetings of the Executive Board and shall function as additional members of that group so long as they remain members in good standing, and

meet the same attendance requirements as elected members of the Executive Board.

Section 2. The most immediate Past President shall automatically hold the position of Officer of the Association and shall serve in the capacity until replaced by the succeeding outgoing President.

Section 3. Past Presidents may serve as elected officers of the Association, but in no instance shall a Past President be entitled to more than one vote.

Section 4. Any past president that is a member in good standing with the association may serve as an interim president in event that that the president or vice-president are unable to perform the duties of the chair. This will be an executive committee decision.

Article IX. Committees

Section 1. All committees of the Cleveland Livestock Show except the Nominating Committee shall be composed of a Chair or co-Chairs and members. Additional workers may be chosen to assist these members in carrying out committee responsibilities.

Section 2. Committee Chairs shall be members in good standing of the Cleveland Livestock Show, and willing to carry out the activities of the committee.

Section 3. The President shall consult with the Vice- President/Directors regarding the appointments of Chairs for any committees deemed necessary to carry out the programs of the Association, all such appointments to be approved by the Executive Board. The President shall inform the Vice Presidents of any persons who are not current in payment of membership fees or other financial obligation to the Association and who are therefore ineligible for consideration as committee Chairs, members, or workers. Duties of the various committees shall be outlined and prescribed by the President of the Association.

Section 4. Committee Chairs shall have the privilege of selecting the members of their committees, provided, however, that the approval of the Vice President/Directors having designated responsibility for the committees shall have first been secured. All committee members shall be members in good standing of the Cleveland Livestock Show, and willing to carry out the activities of the committee.

Section 5. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

Section 6. The Vice President/Directors shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees within their designated areas of responsibility. They shall verify that committee members and workers proposed by the committee Chairs under their supervision are in good standing with the Association, whether those proposed are members or not.

Section 8. Committee Chairs shall submit any proposed changes to the General Rules of the Cleveland Livestock Show in writing, to the Executive Board by the Rule Change(May-June) meeting.

Section 9. All persons or business entities invited to participate in Cleveland Livestock Show activities must be in good standing with the Association. Committee Chairs shall verify that only persons in good standing with the Association are invited or solicited for contributions, advertising, sponsorship, project sale bids, or payments of other kinds connected with their committees.

Section 11. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the immediate Past President who shall serve as Chair, two other Past Presidents,  one Executive Committee member, and one general member that is in good standing. General members shall be nominated and elected from the floor, and serve one year terms. The immediate Past President shall serve as Chair until replaced by the succeeding outgoing President.

Section 12. The Nominating Committee shall present at the annual meeting a slate of nominees for all positions to be filled, including Directors, Executive Committee members, officers, all candidates having been verified as members in good standing of the Association, willing to serve if elected, and qualified for the offices for which they are being nominated.




Article X. Fiscal Year and Audits

Section 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on Oct 1 and end on Sep 30 of the following year.

Section 2. The financial records of the Association shall be made available to all members at the Membership/Budget meeting, and shall be reviewed by a third party annually (Annual Income Tax Filing).


Article XI. Dissolution

Section 1. This Association may be dissolved upon adoption of a resolution approved by a majority of the members present at a regular or called meeting, provided that specific notice of such proposed dissolution has been mailed to the entire membership in good standing at least twelve days prior to the meeting.

Section 2. Upon such dissolution, the assets of the Association shall be distributed to other non-profit, charitable agencies or to local governmental agencies for purpose similar to those of this Association, all in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act.


Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. Meetings and business shall be conducted using format and direction of parliamentary procedure as found the current addition of Jarrell D. Gray’s “Parliamentary Guide for FFA.” 

Section 2. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and, in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

Article XIII. Amendment of Bylaws

Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing and included in the notice of the meeting mailed to the entire membership at least twelve days prior to the meeting and provided, further, that such amendments have been proposed by the Executive Board, by a committee authorized by the Executive Board, or by any member of the Association who has obtained the written endorsement of at least nine other members in favor of the proposed amendment.

Section 2. Amendments to these by-laws shall take effect immediately upon adoption, unless the motion to adopt shall state otherwise.




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