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The Cleveland Livestock Show Scholarship is open to a Senior graduating from a Liberty County school eligible to participate in the Cleveland Livestock Show. These schools include: Cleveland, Tarkington, Liberty, Hardin, Hull-Daisetta or Heritage Christian Academy. The candidate must enroll in a two-year or a four-year college or university. The candidate must enroll as a full time student (minimum of 12 hours per semester).

The Cleveland Livestock Show will provide a minimum of one scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to an outstanding student who has participated in the Cleveland Livestock Show. The candidate MUST submit:

1) A copy of his/her SAT or ACT score

2) A high school transcript with his/her present rank in class

3) A completed typewritten application for scholarship. No handwritten application will be judged.

(See “Entry Forms” on website for Application Form)

Any candidate who does not submit all of these requirements will be disqualified.

Selection will be based on participation in the Cleveland Livestock Show, scholarship, leadership, citizenship, need and a personal interview.

The scholarship funds will be sent to the college or university that the student will attend after proof of registration and the ADDRESS of the Financial Aid Office has been submitted to the Scholarship Committee. Funds will be sent to the college where the recipient is enrolled for 12 or more semester hours and is in good standing academically at a rate of one-half of the full scholarship per semester. In order for the scholarship check to be released, the following steps must be followed:

1) Send a letter from the Registrar (with a raised seal) stating that you are enrolled for 12 or more hours to the Scholarship Committee.

2) Send a copy of the past semester’s transcript to the Scholarship Committee. (For first time applicants, this is not necessary for the first payment.)

3) Make sure the committee has the ADDRESS for the school’s Financial Aid Office.

The winner will be announced at the Buyers Dinner of the Cleveland Livestock Show on the Monday night of the week of the Show.

Applicants must apply for payment within two years from the date of graduation or forfeit the scholarship.

The completed application must be sent to: Bob Steely, Scholarship Chairman, P.O. Box 697, Cleveland, Texas 77328 and postmarked by the date listed on the Important Dates and Dealines section of the website. Please call 281-592-7710 with any questions.

Cleveland Livestock Show Scholarship Application


Personal Information:



                        First                                                        Middle                                                                    Last


Telephone Number (with area code):________________________________________

Social Security Number:__________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian Name(s):______________________________________________

College Plans:

Have you been admitted or a college or university? (If so, please name the college or colleges.)______________________________________________________________


Field in which you plan to study_____________________________________________

How do you please to finance your college years? _____________________________


Scholastic Information:   Please remember to submit proof of information provided below.

Number in Graduating Class_______________  Rank in Class____________________

Scholastic Average ______________________ Are you in advanced honors?________

If “yes” please list the honor or advanced course(s)_____________________________


SAT and/or ACT score(s)____________________________  Date of Test(s)_________


Begin with your first year and describe your involvement with the Cleveland Livestock Show.  Please chronologically detail each entry or activity by year.  (Use an additional sheet if necessary.)
















































































LEADERSHIP: (use separate sheet if necessary)


4-H and FFA Offices Held:










(1) Leadership








(2) Judging







OUTSIDE 4-H or FFA ACTIVITIES (use separate sheet if necessary)


Name of Organizations:






Offices Held:






Individual Honors Won:

Write a short essay (100 words or less) telling how the Cleveland Livestock Show and Dairy Day has benefited you or how it has prepared you for the future. (Use an additional sheet if necessary.)




















Signature of Applicant