The Dhira Leadership through Perfect Knowledge program comprises of 4 modules. They are as given below. Each of these modules were of two month duration.

The Perfect Knowledge Module was conducted in the classic storytelling style. The coordinator, Ms. Maninder J. insisted that these classes be taken under a tree or in the open. A series of stories-cum-talks began the process of philosophical inquiry in the minds of the students. This brought a desired level of communion with nature, a freer, and visibly better pupil teacher relationship, and gave the sessions its classic 'gurukula' feel. The concepts discussed were, 'Who am I?', 'What is this world?', 'Why am I here?', 'Who is God?', etc. The children learnt the concept of the soul and what it meant to act on the platform of the soul or the concepts of Perfect Knowledge.

The Interactive Leadership Learning Module was an exercise in exposing the children to the qualities of a leader. These incidentally, are not taught in Indian schools, but are vital for students to succeed in the global arena. Indians do make good technocrats; however, the rite of passage is restricted to those routes that require intensive learning or is overly technical. What it means is we make excellent working class. Why is this so? This is not merely because of a 'glass ceiling' with admittedly in some cases are the reason, but because all the 'classier' or better paying jobs require a skill set that calls for initiative, creative thinking, researching, etc. Where are we taught these in school? All our learning in school, thanks largely to the lack of initiative of the teachers, is confined to text book learning. Children were encouraged to take up relevant social issues and interact with the community to understand the issues, and in an team effort arrive at solutions. All this taught them initiative, creative thinking, researching, etc.

In the Proactive Learning Module we see the children intensely involved in two activities. One, they are creating solutions, and two sharpening their communication skills via the medium of script writing, song writing, speech writing, play acting, public speaking, creating posters, etc.

The Showcasing Module in the form of a Motivation Summit or a cultural event where the plays, theme songs, talks and posters were put up for public viewing. This last module brought in the whole new dimension of confidence building in front of a live audience and formed a large part of the learning experience. Often what holds us back from excelling is indeed the fear of forging ahead, which often take the form of making that crucial presentation, standing up a delivering a rousing speech, etc. the students put up a memorable performance, that won accolades from parents and teachers alike. The exciting experience that the children underwent took off much of the drudgery of coming to school and made them actually love coming to school!


Module Chart

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Prefect Knowledge
Interactive Learning of leadership skills
Proactive Learning
Motivation Summit
Modules Understanding nature’s Laws, the Self, and ones place in nature The Qualities of a Leader Addressing social issues through various media Showcasing the learning experience

Via medium of:

Indian philosophical literatures

Via medium of:

Community Interaction

Via medium of:

Plays , songs, talks, poster exhibition

Via medium of:

A cultural events by the children performed in front of a live audience of guests*

*1500 to 2000 people attended at two venues


Develop a holistic approach to life

Goal Setting, team work, motivation, problem solving and compassion, exposure to real life, etc.

Creative Thinking & Communication Skills including play acting, directing, script writing, poster making, etc.


Public Speaking / public exposure



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Last modified: 07/23/04