The Dhira-Leadership Program is unique in that it focuses on the 'soul' of leadership. The quality of leadership is directly dependant on the character of the leader. Where does this  character come from? We have found, that character springs most deeply and directly from our real spiritual nature. The rise of nations comes with an increase of men with character and of strong ethical and moral fiber. The real call of the Dhira Program is for transformational leaders who base their leadership on their spiritual roots and values. 

A thirteen panel exhibition was prepared to highlight the 'DHiRA-Leadership through perfect knowledge' program. The posters were designed to initiate discussion among the students on what were the essential qualities of a leader. Vedantic references were researched and the quotes incorporated to inspire the students to develop these qualities in themselves. The exhibition will also be used for introducing the leadership program in other schools.


Poster exhibition "Qualities of a Leader"



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Last modified: 07/23/04