240 children of the Gujarati medium participated in this exhibition. They were given the theme 'Preserving and Cherishing the Earth' that they had to research. After collecting information on the topic, they were asked to work out key messages that communicated the concepts. Then the students searched out suitable visuals to illustrate their key messages. The result was very different from the usual posters that children come up with. The exercise helped them understand concepts of preserving and cherishing the earth as well as explore the communication media of poster making.

Developing a sense of community, is a very important part of becoming a good citizen. Members of a community, should be capable of addressing, issues and problems of their community. This can only happen if one connects with the community and feels a sense of belonging to it. Responsible community members do not lead isolated happy lives, but stretch beyond their own comfort zones to care for issues of their community.

As a learning exercise, some social issues were identified and offered to the students. The exercise was to collect information on the issues from various media, libraries, internet and personal interviews with the community. The issues selected were Voluntary Simplicity, Neglect of Old Relatives, and Substance Abuse (especially gutka). The first phase of information collection taught the students researching abilities and connecting with the community. The information so gathered was sorted in a group discussion exercise, to separate the chaff from the grain and to develop an understanding of the issue at hand. This understanding then was the basis of developing plays, songs, talks, posters etc. that created awareness about the issues as well as offered positive alternatives. The learning from the Perfect Knowledge module was a frame of reference for the students, which helped them decide the correct course of action under the various circumstances.

Posters made by Students

Communication through Poster Making
A planet in trouble


The environment is burning in a thousand places worldwide. But there is no fire escape here, no ‘out’. Students brought focus to the state of our planet as related to air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, and depletion of rain forests.




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Last modified: 07/23/04