As is the set policy with every SAGE project, the sponsor is invited midway to review the project and satisfy himself that it is going according to his satisfaction. This interaction with the target audience also allows him to experience first hand the good he is bestowing.

Dr. Amar Sawhney, his wife Deepika, and his mother Kuldeep Sawhney, and brother Prof. Mohan Sawhney, accompanied him during this review. Some students were invited to give their their views on the program.

Dr. Amar who himself served as a source of leadership and inspiration and the represented the happy outcome of diligent and honest application, gave a small inspirational speech.

Later, the Dr. Sawhney was invited to view the exhibition 'Qualities of a Leader' which was being exhibited in the school plaza.


Dr. Amar Sawhney who generously sponsored the Dhira pilot program, being shown the exhibition "Qualities of a Leader" by Ms. Maninder J., on his visit to India.



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Last modified: 07/23/04